"""States module for managing Secretsmanager Secrets."""
import copy
import sys
from dataclasses import field
from dataclasses import make_dataclass
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from dict_tools import differ
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
from typing import Union
# ByteString Behaves slightly differently in python3.8, which causes issues with the latest pop/idem.
ByteString = Union[bytes, bytearray]
from typing import ByteString
__contracts__ = ["resource"]
[docs]async def present(
name: str,
client_request_token: str = None,
description: str = None,
kms_key_id: str = None,
secret_binary: ByteString = None,
secret_string: str = None,
tags: Dict[str, str] = None,
add_replica_regions: List[
("Region", str, field(default=None)),
("KmsKeyId", str, field(default=None)),
] = None,
force_overwrite_replica_secret: bool = None,
resource_id: str = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Creates a new secret. A secret can be a password, a set of credentials such as a user name and password, an
OAuth token, or other secret information that you store in an encrypted form in Secrets Manager. The secret also
includes the connection information to access a database or other service, which Secrets Manager doesn't
encrypt. A secret in Secrets Manager consists of both the protected secret data and the important information
needed to manage the secret. For secrets that use managed rotation, you need to create the secret through the
managing service. For more information, see Secrets Manager secrets managed by other Amazon Web Services
services. For information about creating a secret in the console, see Create a secret. To create a secret, you
can provide the secret value to be encrypted in either the SecretString parameter or the SecretBinary parameter,
but not both. If you include SecretString or SecretBinary then Secrets Manager creates an initial secret version
and automatically attaches the staging label AWSCURRENT to it. For database credentials you want to rotate, for
Secrets Manager to be able to rotate the secret, you must make sure the JSON you store in the SecretString
matches the JSON structure of a database secret. If you don't specify an KMS encryption key, Secrets Manager
uses the Amazon Web Services managed key aws/secretsmanager. If this key doesn't already exist in your account,
then Secrets Manager creates it for you automatically. All users and roles in the Amazon Web Services account
automatically have access to use aws/secretsmanager. Creating aws/secretsmanager can result in a one-time
significant delay in returning the result. If the secret is in a different Amazon Web Services account from the
credentials calling the API, then you can't use aws/secretsmanager to encrypt the secret, and you must create
and use a customer managed KMS key. Secrets Manager generates a CloudTrail log entry when you call this action.
Do not include sensitive information in request parameters except SecretBinary or SecretString because it might
be logged. For more information, see Logging Secrets Manager events with CloudTrail. Required permissions:
secretsmanager:CreateSecret. If you include tags in the secret, you also need secretsmanager:TagResource. For
more information, see IAM policy actions for Secrets Manager and Authentication and access control in Secrets
Manager. To encrypt the secret with a KMS key other than aws/secretsmanager, you need kms:GenerateDataKey and
kms:Decrypt permission to the key.
name(str): Idem name of the resource.
client_request_token(str, Optional): If you include SecretString or SecretBinary, then Secrets Manager creates an initial version for
the secret, and this parameter specifies the unique identifier for the new version. If you use
the Amazon Web Services CLI or one of the Amazon Web Services SDKs to call this operation, then
you can leave this parameter empty. The CLI or SDK generates a random UUID for you and includes
it as the value for this parameter in the request. If you don't use the SDK and instead generate
a raw HTTP request to the Secrets Manager service endpoint, then you must generate a
ClientRequestToken yourself for the new version and include the value in the request. This
value helps ensure idempotency. Secrets Manager uses this value to prevent the accidental
creation of duplicate versions if there are failures and retries during a rotation. We recommend
that you generate a UUID-type value to ensure uniqueness of your versions within the specified
secret. If the ClientRequestToken value isn't already associated with a version of the secret
then a new version of the secret is created. If a version with this value already exists and
the version SecretString and SecretBinary values are the same as those in the request, then the
request is ignored. If a version with this value already exists and that version's
SecretString and SecretBinary values are different from those in the request, then the request
fails because you cannot modify an existing version. Instead, use PutSecretValue to create a new
version. This value becomes the VersionId of the new version. Defaults to None.
description(str, Optional): The description of the secret. Defaults to None.
kms_key_id(str, Optional): The ARN, key ID, or alias of the KMS key that Secrets Manager uses to encrypt the secret value
in the secret. An alias is always prefixed by alias/, for example alias/aws/secretsmanager. For
more information, see About aliases. To use a KMS key in a different account, use the key ARN or
the alias ARN. If you don't specify this value, then Secrets Manager uses the key
aws/secretsmanager. If that key doesn't yet exist, then Secrets Manager creates it for you
automatically the first time it encrypts the secret value. If the secret is in a different
Amazon Web Services account from the credentials calling the API, then you can't use
aws/secretsmanager to encrypt the secret, and you must create and use a customer managed KMS
key. Defaults to None.
secret_binary(ByteString, Optional): The binary data to encrypt and store in the new version of the secret. We recommend that you
store your binary data in a file and then pass the contents of the file as a parameter. Either
SecretString or SecretBinary must have a value, but not both. This parameter is not available in
the Secrets Manager console. Defaults to None.
secret_string(str, Optional): The text data to encrypt and store in this new version of the secret. We recommend you use a
JSON structure of key/value pairs for your secret value. Either SecretString or SecretBinary
must have a value, but not both. If you create a secret by using the Secrets Manager console
then Secrets Manager puts the protected secret text in only the SecretString parameter. The
Secrets Manager console stores the information as a JSON structure of key/value pairs that a
Lambda rotation function can parse. Defaults to None.
tags(Dict[str, str], Optional): The tags to apply to the resource. Defaults to None.
add_replica_regions(List[dict[str, Any]], Optional): A list of Regions and KMS keys to replicate secrets. Defaults to None.
* Region (str, Optional): A Region code. For a list of Region codes, see Name and code of Regions.
* KmsKeyId (str, Optional): The ARN, key ID, or alias of the KMS key to encrypt the secret. If you don't include this field,
Secrets Manager uses aws/secretsmanager.
force_overwrite_replica_secret(bool, Optional): Specifies whether to overwrite a secret with the same name in the destination Region. By
default, secrets aren't overwritten. Defaults to None.
resource_id(str, Optional): Secret unique ID. Defaults to None.
Dict[str, Any]
.. code-block:: sls
- client_request_token: string
- description: string
- kms_key_id: string
- secret_binary: ByteString
- secret_string: string
- tags:
- key: string
value: string
- add_replica_regions:
- kms_key_id: string
region: string
- force_overwrite_replica_secret: bool
result = dict(
comment=[], old_state={}, new_state={}, name=name, result=True, rerun_data=None
desired_state = {
k: v
for k, v in locals().items()
if k not in ("hub", "ctx", "kwargs", "result") and v is not None
current_state = None
if resource_id:
before = await hub.exec.aws.secretsmanager.secret.get(
ctx, name=name, resource_id=resource_id
if not before["result"] or not before["ret"]:
result["result"] = False
result["comment"] = before["comment"]
return result
result["old_state"] = current_state = copy.deepcopy(before["ret"])
result["comment"] += hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.already_exists_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
if current_state:
changes = differ.deep_diff(
current_state if current_state else {}, desired_state
if bool(changes.get("new")):
if ctx.test:
result["new_state"] = hub.tool.aws.test_state_utils.generate_test_state(
enforced_state={}, desired_state=desired_state
result["comment"] += hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.update_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
return result
# Update the resource
update_ret = await hub.exec.aws.secretsmanager.secret.update(
ctx, **desired_state, current_tags=current_state.get("tags", None)
result["result"] = update_ret["result"]
if result["result"]:
result["comment"] += hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.update_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
result["comment"] += update_ret["comment"]
if ctx.get("test", False):
result["new_state"] = hub.tool.aws.test_state_utils.generate_test_state(
enforced_state={}, desired_state=desired_state
result["comment"] += hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.would_create_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
return result
create_ret = await hub.exec.aws.secretsmanager.secret.create(
result["result"] = create_ret["result"]
if result["result"]:
result["comment"] = hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.create_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
resource_id = create_ret["ret"].get("resource_id")
# Safeguard for any future errors so that the resource_id is saved in the ESM
result["new_state"] = dict(name=name, resource_id=resource_id)
if not result["result"]:
# If there is any failure in create/update, it should reconcile.
# The type of data is less important here to use default reconciliation
# If there are no changes for 3 runs with rerun_data, then it will come out of execution
result["rerun_data"] = dict(name=name, resource_id=resource_id)
after = await hub.exec.aws.secretsmanager.secret.get(
ctx, name=name, resource_id=resource_id
result["new_state"] = after.ret
return result
[docs]async def absent(
name: str,
recovery_window_in_days: int = None,
force_delete_without_recovery: bool = None,
resource_id: str = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Deletes a secret and all of its versions. You can specify a recovery window during which you can restore the
secret. The minimum recovery window is 7 days. The default recovery window is 30 days. Secrets Manager attaches
a DeletionDate stamp to the secret that specifies the end of the recovery window. At the end of the recovery
window, Secrets Manager deletes the secret permanently. You can't delete a primary secret that is replicated to
other Regions. You must first delete the replicas using RemoveRegionsFromReplication, and then delete the
primary secret. When you delete a replica, it is deleted immediately. You can't directly delete a version of a
secret. Instead, you remove all staging labels from the version using UpdateSecretVersionStage. This marks the
version as deprecated, and then Secrets Manager can automatically delete the version in the background. To
determine whether an application still uses a secret, you can create an Amazon CloudWatch alarm to alert you to
any attempts to access a secret during the recovery window. For more information, see Monitor secrets scheduled
for deletion. Secrets Manager performs the permanent secret deletion at the end of the waiting period as a
background task with low priority. There is no guarantee of a specific time after the recovery window for the
permanent delete to occur. At any time before recovery window ends, you can use RestoreSecret to remove the
DeletionDate and cancel the deletion of the secret. When a secret is scheduled for deletion, you cannot retrieve
the secret value. You must first cancel the deletion with RestoreSecret and then you can retrieve the secret.
Secrets Manager generates a CloudTrail log entry when you call this action. Do not include sensitive information
in request parameters because it might be logged. For more information, see Logging Secrets Manager events with
CloudTrail. Required permissions: secretsmanager:DeleteSecret. For more information, see IAM policy actions
for Secrets Manager and Authentication and access control in Secrets Manager.
name(str): Idem name of the resource.
resource_id(str): The ARN or name of the secret to delete. For an ARN, we recommend that you specify a complete
ARN rather than a partial ARN. See Finding a secret from a partial ARN.
recovery_window_in_days(int, Optional): The number of days from 7 to 30 that Secrets Manager waits before permanently deleting the
secret. You can't use both this parameter and ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery in the same call. If
you don't use either, then by default Secrets Manager uses a 30 day recovery window. Defaults to None.
force_delete_without_recovery(bool, Optional): Specifies whether to delete the secret without any recovery window. You can't use both this
parameter and RecoveryWindowInDays in the same call. If you don't use either, then by default
Secrets Manager uses a 30 day recovery window. Secrets Manager performs the actual deletion with
an asynchronous background process, so there might be a short delay before the secret is
permanently deleted. If you delete a secret and then immediately create a secret with the same
name, use appropriate back off and retry logic. If you forcibly delete an already deleted or
nonexistent secret, the operation does not return ResourceNotFoundException. Use this parameter
with caution. This parameter causes the operation to skip the normal recovery window before the
permanent deletion that Secrets Manager would normally impose with the RecoveryWindowInDays
parameter. If you delete a secret with the ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery parameter, then you have
no opportunity to recover the secret. You lose the secret permanently. Defaults to None.
Dict[str, Any]
.. code-block:: sls
- secret_id: string
- recovery_window_in_days: int
- force_delete_without_recovery: bool
result = dict(
comment=[], old_state={}, new_state={}, name=name, result=True, rerun_data=None
if not resource_id:
resource_id = (ctx.old_state or {}).get("resource_id")
# This is to make absent idempotent. If absent is run again, it would be a no-op
if not resource_id:
result["comment"] = hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.already_absent_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
return result
before = await hub.exec.aws.secretsmanager.secret.get(
ctx, name=name, resource_id=resource_id
# Case: Error
if not before["result"]:
result["result"] = False
result["comment"] = before["comment"]
return result
# Case: Not Found
if not before["ret"]:
result["comment"] = hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.already_absent_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
return result
result["old_state"] = before["ret"]
if ctx.get("test", False):
result["comment"] += hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.would_delete_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
return result
delete_ret = await hub.exec.aws.secretsmanager.secret.delete(
if not delete_ret["result"]:
if "InvalidRequestException" in str(delete_ret["comment"]):
result["comment"] = hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.already_absent_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
return result
# If there is any failure in delete, it should reconcile.
# The type of data is less important here to use default reconciliation
# If there are no changes for 3 runs with rerun_data, then it will come out of execution
result["result"] = delete_ret["result"]
result["rerun_data"] = resource_id
return result
result["comment"] += hub.tool.aws.comment_utils.delete_comment(
resource_type="aws.secretsmanager.secret", name=name
return result
[docs]async def describe(hub, ctx) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
Describe the resource in a way that can be recreated/managed with the corresponding "present" function
Lists the secrets that are stored by Secrets Manager in the Amazon Web Services account, not including secrets
that are marked for deletion. To see secrets marked for deletion, use the Secrets Manager console. ListSecrets
is eventually consistent, however it might not reflect changes from the last five minutes. To get the latest
information for a specific secret, use DescribeSecret. To list the versions of a secret, use
ListSecretVersionIds. To get the secret value from SecretString or SecretBinary, call GetSecretValue. For
information about finding secrets in the console, see Find secrets in Secrets Manager. Secrets Manager generates
a CloudTrail log entry when you call this action. Do not include sensitive information in request parameters
because it might be logged. For more information, see Logging Secrets Manager events with CloudTrail. Required
permissions: secretsmanager:ListSecrets. For more information, see IAM policy actions for Secrets Manager and
Authentication and access control in Secrets Manager.
Dict[str, Any]
.. code-block:: bash
$ idem describe aws_auto.secretsmanager.secret
result = {}
ret = await hub.exec.aws.secretsmanager.secret.list(ctx)
if not ret or not ret["result"]:
f"Could not describe aws.secretsmanager.secret {ret['comment']}"
return result
for resource in ret["ret"]:
resource_id = resource.get("resource_id")
result[resource_id] = {
"aws.secretsmanager.secret.present": [
{parameter_key: parameter_value}
for parameter_key, parameter_value in resource.items()
return result