State module for managing SNS subscription.
- async, ctx, name: str, topic_arn: str, protocol: str, endpoint: str, resource_id: str = None, attributes: Dict[str, str] = None, return_subscription_arn: bool = None) Dict[str, Any] [source]#
Creates a new endpoint subscription to a topic.
If the endpoint type is HTTP/S or email, or if the endpoint and the topic are not in the same Amazon Web Services account, For http and email protocols the endpoint owner must run the ConfirmSubscription action to confirm the subscription.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The idem name for the resource
topic_arn (str) – The ARN of the topic to which the subscription should be added
protocol (str) – The protocol that you want to use.Supported protocols are:http,https,email,email-json,sms,sqs,application, lambda,firehose
endpoint (str) – The endpoint that you want to receive notifications.Endpoints vary by protocol
resource_id (str, Optional) – The AWS resource identifier, here it is resource arn
attributes (dict, Optional) – Attributes of the subscription
return_subscription_arn (bool, Optional) – A bool value to specify if the subscription_arn should be return after creation.By default,it is false i.e. subscription_arn is not returned.
- Returns:
dict[str, Any]
subscription-name: aws.sns.subscription.present: - topic_arn: arn:aws:sns:eu-west-3:537227425989:test-topic - protocol: sms - endpoint: "+911234567890" - attributes: DeliveryPolicy: '{"healthyRetryPolicy": {"minDelayTarget": 10,"maxDelayTarget": 30,"numRetries": 10,"numMaxDelayRetries": 7,"numNoDelayRetries": 0,"numMinDelayRetries": 3,"backoffFunction": "linear"},"sicklyRetryPolicy": null,"throttlePolicy": null,"guaranteed": false}' FilterPolicy: '{"pets": ["dog", "cat"]}' - return_subscription_arn: True
- async, ctx, name: str, resource_id: str = None) Dict[str, Any] [source]#
Deletes the specified subscription.
This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.
- Parameters:
- Request Syntax:
[subscription-name]: aws.sns.subscription.absent: - resource_id: 'string'
- Returns:
dict[str, Any]
test-subscription: aws.sns.subscription.absent: - resource_id: arn:aws:sns:eu-west-3:537227425989:test-topic:9c0fd640-7fc6-4888-bc08-f0a497a6237f
- async, ctx) Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] [source]#
Describe the resource in a way that can be recreated/managed with the corresponding “present” function.
Describes list of all the subscriptions present in all topics.
- Returns:
dict[str, Any]
$ idem describe aws.sns.subscription