Exec module for managing managing Amazon Elastic Load Balancing V2
- async idem_aws.exec.aws.elbv2.load_balancer.get(hub, ctx, name: str, resource_id: str = None) Dict [source]#
Pass required params to get a load balancer resource.
- Parameters:
Using in a state:
my_unmanaged_resource: exec.run: - path: aws.elbv2.load_balancer.get - kwargs: name: my_resource resource_id: resource_id
Calling this exec function from the cli with resource_id:
idem exec aws.elbv2.load_balancer.get resource_id="resource_id" name="name"
Calling this exec module function from within a state module in pure python
async def state_function(hub, ctx, resource_id, **kwargs): ret = await hub.exec.aws.elbv2.load_balancer.get(ctx, resource_id=resource_id, name=name)