exec modules#
For an index of all exec and state modules, side-by-side, reference the Module Index.
- acm
- apigateway
- apigatewayv2
- application_autoscaling
- autoscaling
- backup
- budgets
- cloudformation
- cloudfront
- cloudwatch
- cloudwatchlogs
- config
- costexplorer
- docdb
- dynamodb
- ec2
- ami
- availability_zones
- elastic_ip
- flow_log
- instance
- instance_type
- internet_gateway
- key_pair
- launch_template
- network_interface
- placement_group
- route
- route_table
- route_table_association
- security_group
- security_group_rule
- snapshot
- spot_instance_request
- subnet
- volume
- vpc
- vpc_endpoint
- vpc_endpoint_service_configuration
- vpc_endpoint_service_permission
- vpc_peering_connection
- vpc_peering_connection_accepter
- vpc_peering_connection_options
- ecr
- eks
- elasticache
- elb
- elbv2
- es
- events
- guardduty
- iam
- kinesis
- kms
- lambda_aws
- neptune
- organizations
- rds
- route53
- s3
- secretsmanager
- ses
- sesv2
- sns
- sqs
- sts
- wafv2