
State module for managing AWS S3 bucket website.

async idem_aws.states.aws.s3.bucket_website.present(hub, ctx, name: str, bucket: str, website_configuration: WebsiteConfiguration, resource_id: str = None, checksum_algorithm: str = None, expected_bucket_owner: str = None) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Sets the configuration of the website that is specified in the website subresource. To configure a bucket as a website, you can add this subresource on the bucket with website configuration information such as the file name of the index document and any redirect rules. For more information, see Hosting Websites on Amazon S3. This PUT action requires the S3:PutBucketWebsite permission. By default, only the bucket owner can configure the website attached to a bucket; however, bucket owners can allow other users to set the website configuration by writing a bucket policy that grants them the S3:PutBucketWebsite permission. To redirect all website requests sent to the bucket’s website endpoint, you add a website configuration with the following elements. Because all requests are sent to another website, you don’t need to provide index document name for the bucket. WebsiteConfiguration RedirectAllRequestsTo HostName Protocol If you want granular control over redirects, you can use the following elements to add routing rules that describe conditions for redirecting requests and information about the redirect destination. In this case, the website configuration must provide an index document for the bucket, because some requests might not be redirected. WebsiteConfiguration IndexDocument Suffix ErrorDocument Key RoutingRules RoutingRule Condition HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals KeyPrefixEquals Redirect Protocol HostName ReplaceKeyPrefixWith ReplaceKeyWith HttpRedirectCode Amazon S3 has a limitation of 50 routing rules per website configuration. If you require more than 50 routing rules, you can use object redirect. For more information, see Configuring an Object Redirect in the Amazon S3 User Guide.


An Idem name of the resource.


The bucket name.

resource_id(str, Optional):

The bucket name.

checksum_algorithm(str, Optional):

Indicates the algorithm used to create the checksum for the object when using the SDK. This header will not provide any additional functionality if not using the SDK. When sending this header, there must be a corresponding x-amz-checksum or x-amz-trailer header sent. Otherwise, Amazon S3 fails the request with the HTTP status code 400 Bad Request. For more information, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide. If you provide an individual checksum, Amazon S3 ignores any provided ChecksumAlgorithm parameter. Defaults to None.

website_configuration(Dict[str, Any]):

Container for the request.

  • ErrorDocument (dict[str, any], Optional):

    The name of the error document for the website.

    • Key (str):

      The object key name to use when a 4XX class error occurs. Replacement must be made for object

keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see XML related object key constraints.

  • IndexDocument (dict[str, any], Optional):

    The name of the index document for the website.

    • Suffix (str):

      A suffix that is appended to a request that is for a directory on the website endpoint (for

example,if the suffix is index.html and you make a request to samplebucket/images/ the data that is returned will be for the object with the key name images/index.html) The suffix must not be empty and must not include a slash character. Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see XML related object key constraints.

  • RedirectAllRequestsTo (dict[str, any], Optional):

    The redirect behavior for every request to this bucket’s website endpoint. If you specify this

property, you can’t specify any other property.

  • HostName (str):

    Name of the host where requests are redirected.

  • Protocol (str, Optional):

    Protocol to use when redirecting requests. The default is the protocol that is used in the

original request.

  • RoutingRules (list[dict[str, any]], Optional):

    Rules that define when a redirect is applied and the redirect behavior.

    • Condition (dict[str, any], Optional):

      A container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply. For

example, 1. If request is for pages in the /docs folder, redirect to the /documents folder. 2. If request results in HTTP error 4xx, redirect request to another host where you might process the error.

  • HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals (str, Optional):

    The HTTP error code when the redirect is applied. In the event of an error, if the error code

equals this value, then the specified redirect is applied. Required when parent element Condition is specified and sibling KeyPrefixEquals is not specified. If both are specified, then both must be true for the redirect to be applied.

  • KeyPrefixEquals (str, Optional):

    The object key name prefix when the redirect is applied. For example, to redirect requests for

ExamplePage.html, the key prefix will be ExamplePage.html. To redirect request for all pages with the prefix docs/, the key prefix will be /docs, which identifies all objects in the docs/ folder. Required when the parent element Condition is specified and sibling HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals is not specified. If both conditions are specified, both must be true for the redirect to be applied. Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see XML related object key constraints.

  • Redirect (dict[str, any]):

    Container for redirect information. You can redirect requests to another host, to another page,

or with another protocol. In the event of an error, you can specify a different error code to return.

  • HostName (str, Optional):

    The host name to use in the redirect request.

  • HttpRedirectCode (str, Optional):

    The HTTP redirect code to use on the response. Not required if one of the siblings is present.

  • Protocol (str, Optional):

    Protocol to use when redirecting requests. The default is the protocol that is used in the

original request.

  • ReplaceKeyPrefixWith (str, Optional):

    The object key prefix to use in the redirect request. For example, to redirect requests for all

pages with prefix docs/ (objects in the docs/ folder) to documents/, you can set a condition block with KeyPrefixEquals set to docs/ and in the Redirect set ReplaceKeyPrefixWith to /documents. Not required if one of the siblings is present. Can be present only if ReplaceKeyWith is not provided. Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see XML related object key constraints.

  • ReplaceKeyWith (str, Optional):

    The specific object key to use in the redirect request. For example, redirect request to

error.html. Not required if one of the siblings is present. Can be present only if ReplaceKeyPrefixWith is not provided. Replacement must be made for object keys containing special characters (such as carriage returns) when using XML requests. For more information, see XML related object key constraints.

expected_bucket_owner(str, Optional):

The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a different account, the request fails with the HTTP status code 403 Forbidden (access denied). Defaults to None.

Request Syntax:
    - name: "str"
    - resource_id: "str"
    - bucket: "string"
    - checksum_algorithm: "string"
    - website_configuration: "Dict"
    - expected_bucket_owner: "string"

Dict[str, Any]

    - name: value
    - bucket: value
    - website_configuration:
            Key: "index.html"
            Suffix: "index.html"
            HostName: 'test.com'
            Protocol: https
                HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals: '400'
                KeyPrefixEquals: 'test'
                HostName: 'test.example.com'
                HttpRedirectCode: 500
                Protocol: https
                ReplaceKeyPrefixWith: 'test1'
                ReplaceKeyWith: 'test'
async idem_aws.states.aws.s3.bucket_website.absent(hub, ctx, name: str, expected_bucket_owner: str = None, resource_id: str = None) Dict[str, Any][source]#

This action removes the website configuration for a bucket. Amazon S3 returns a 200 OK response upon successfully deleting a website configuration on the specified bucket. You will get a 200 OK response if the website configuration you are trying to delete does not exist on the bucket. Amazon S3 returns a 404 response if the bucket specified in the request does not exist. This DELETE action requires the S3:DeleteBucketWebsite permission. By default, only the bucket owner can delete the website configuration attached to a bucket. However, bucket owners can grant other users permission to delete the website configuration by writing a bucket policy granting them the S3:DeleteBucketWebsite permission. For more information about hosting websites, see Hosting Websites on Amazon S3. The following operations are related to DeleteBucketWebsite: GetBucketWebsite PutBucketWebsite


An Idem name of the resource.

expected_bucket_owner(str, Optional):

The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a different account, the request fails with the HTTP status code 403 Forbidden (access denied). Defaults to None.

resource_id(str, Optional):

The bucket name for which you want to remove the website configuration.

Request Syntax:
    - name: "str"
    - resource_id: "str"

Dict[str, Any]

    - name: value
    - resource_id: value
async idem_aws.states.aws.s3.bucket_website.describe(hub, ctx) Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Describe the resource in a way that can be recreated/managed with the corresponding “present” function.

Gets the website configuration for each S3 bucket under the given AWS account.


dict[str, dict[str, Any]]


$ idem describe aws.s3.bucket_website