Source code for

"""State module for managing Amazon Organization Units."""
import copy
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List

__contracts__ = ["resource"]

ALREADY_EXISTS = "already exists"

TREQ = {
    "absent": {
        "require": [
    "present": {
        "require": [

[docs]async def present( hub, ctx, name: str, parent_id: str, tags: List[Dict[str, Any]] or Dict[str, Any] = None, resource_id: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Creates an organizational unit (OU) within a root or parent OU. An OU is a container for accounts that enables you to organize your accounts to apply policies according to your business requirements. The number of levels deep that you can nest OUs is dependent upon the policy types enabled for that root. For service control policies, the limit is five. Args: name(str): An Idem name of the resource. parent_id(str): The unique identifier (ID) of the parent root or OU that you want to create the new OU in. resource_id(str, Optional): The ID of the organization unit in Amazon Web Services. tags(dict or list, Optional): Dict in the format of ``{tag-key: tag-value}`` or List of tags in the format of ``[{"Key": tag-key, "Value": tag-value}]`` to associate with the organization unit. * Key (*str*): The key identifier, or name, of the tag. * Value (*str*): The string value that's associated with the key of the tag. Request Syntax: .. code-block:: sls [idem_test_aws_organizations_organization_unit]: aws.organizations.organization_unit.present: - name: 'string' - resource_id: 'string' - parent_id: 'string' - tags: - Key: 'string' Value: 'string' Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: sls idem_test_aws_organizations_organization_unit: aws.organizations.organization_unit.present: - name: 'idem_test_organization_unit' - parent_id: 'o-parent-id' - tags: - Key: 'provider' Value: 'idem' """ result = dict(comment=[], old_state=None, new_state=None, name=name, result=True) before = None existing_tags = None if resource_id: before = await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.describe_organizational_unit( ctx, OrganizationalUnitId=resource_id ) update = False if isinstance(tags, List): tags = if not before: # organization unit does not exist, create try: if ctx.get("test", False): result["new_state"] = enforced_state={}, desired_state={ "parent_id": parent_id, "name": name, "tags": tags, }, ) result["comment"] += [ f"Would create aws.organizations.organization_unit '{name}'." ] return result create_ret = ( await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.create_organizational_unit( ctx, ParentId=parent_id, Name=name, if tags else None, ) ) result["result"] = create_ret["result"] if not result["result"]: result["comment"] += create_ret["comment"] return result resource_id = create_ret["ret"]["OrganizationalUnit"]["Id"] result["comment"] += [ f"Created aws.organizations.organization_unit '{name}'." ] except hub.tool.boto3.exception.ClientError as e: result["comment"] += [f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}"] result["result"] = False else: # organizational_unit exists , update existing_ou_name = before["ret"]["OrganizationalUnit"]["Name"] old_tags = await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.list_tags_for_resource( ctx, ResourceId=resource_id ) if not old_tags["result"]: hub.log.debug( f"Unable to list tags for resource {resource_id} with error: {old_tags['comment']}" ) result["comment"] += old_tags["comment"] result["result"] = old_tags["result"] else: existing_tags = old_tags["ret"]["Tags"] result[ "old_state" ] = before["ret"]["OrganizationalUnit"], parent_id, existing_tags ) plan_state = copy.deepcopy(result["old_state"]) try: if existing_ou_name != name: if ctx.get("test", False): plan_state["name"] = name else: update_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.update_organizational_unit( ctx, OrganizationalUnitId=resource_id, Name=name, ) result["result"] = update_ret["result"] if not result["result"]: result["comment"] += update_ret["comment"] return result result["comment"] += [ f"Updated ou name on aws.organizations.organization_unit '{name}'." ] update = True if tags is not None and tags != result["old_state"].get("tags"): update_tags_ret = await ctx, resource_id, result["old_state"].get("tags"), tags ) if not update_tags_ret["result"]: result["comment"] += update_tags_ret["comment"] result["result"] = False return result elif update_tags_ret["ret"] is not None: update = True result["comment"] += [ f"Updated tags on aws.organizations.organization_unit '{name}'." ] if ctx.get("test", False) and update_tags_ret["ret"]: plan_state["tags"] = update_tags_ret["ret"] if not update: result["comment"] += [ f"aws.organizations.organization_unit '{name}' {ALREADY_EXISTS}." ] if ctx.get("test", False) and update: result["comment"] += [ f"Would update aws.organizations.organization_unit '{name}'" ] except hub.tool.boto3.exception.ClientError as e: result["comment"] += [f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}"] result["result"] = False try: if ctx.get("test", False): result["new_state"] = plan_state return result if not before or update: after = ( await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.describe_organizational_unit( ctx, OrganizationalUnitId=resource_id ) ) if after.get("ret"): updated_tag = ( await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.list_tags_for_resource( ctx, ResourceId=resource_id ) ) if not updated_tag["result"]: hub.log.debug( f"Unable to list tags for resource {resource_id} with error: {updated_tag['comment']}" ) result["comment"] += updated_tag["comment"] result["result"] = updated_tag["result"] result[ "new_state" ] = after["ret"]["OrganizationalUnit"], parent_id, updated_tag["ret"].get("Tags") if updated_tag and updated_tag.get("ret") else None, ) else: result["new_state"] = copy.deepcopy(result["old_state"]) except Exception as e: result["comment"] += [str(e)] result["result"] = False return result
[docs]async def absent(hub, ctx, name: str, resource_id: str = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Deletes an organizational unit (OU) from a root or another OU. You must first remove all accounts and child OUs from the OU that you want to delete. This operation can be called only from the organization's management account. Args: name(str): An Idem name of the resource. resource_id(str, Optional): The ID of the organization unit in Amazon Web Services. Request syntax: .. code-block:: sls [idem_test_aws_organizations_organization_unit]: aws.organizations.organization_unit.absent: - name: 'string' - resource_id: 'string' Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: sls idem_test_aws_organizations_organization_unit: aws.organizations.organization_unit.absent: - name: 'idem_test_organization_unit' - resource_id: 'ou-rootid-ouid' """ result = dict(comment=[], old_state=None, new_state=None, name=name, result=True) if not resource_id: result["comment"] = resource_type="aws.organizations.organization_unit", name=name, ) return result before = await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.describe_organizational_unit( ctx, OrganizationalUnitId=resource_id ) if not before: result["comment"] += [ f"aws.organizations.organization_unit '{name}' already absent" ] else: result[ "old_state" ] = before["ret"]["OrganizationalUnit"] ) if ctx.get("test", False): result["comment"] += [ f"Would delete aws.organizations.organization_unit '{name}'" ] return result try: ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.delete_organizational_unit( ctx, OrganizationalUnitId=resource_id ) if not ret["result"]: result["comment"] += ret["comment"] result["result"] = False return result result["comment"] += [ f"aws.organizations.organization_unit '{name}' deleted." ] result["result"] = ret["result"] except hub.tool.boto3.exception.ClientError as e: result["comment"] += [f"{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}"] result["result"] = False return result
[docs]async def describe(hub, ctx) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Describes AWS Organizations Units (OUs) in a way that can be recreated/managed with the corresponding "present" function. Idem does not support passing arguments to the describe function as of today, hence describe organization_unit will describe all the organizational units one level under the root of the organization. In future if Idem starts supporting input arguments, we can pass any parent_id and this function will list all organizational units one level under the parent. Returns: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: bash $ idem describe aws.organizations.organization_unit """ result = {} list_roots_resp = await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.list_roots(ctx) if not (list_roots_resp and list_roots_resp["ret"].get("Roots")): return result parent_id = list_roots_resp["ret"]["Roots"][0]["Id"] if parent_id is None: return result org_units = ( await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.list_organizational_units_for_parent( ctx, ParentId=parent_id ) ) if not org_units["result"]: hub.log.warning( f"Could not describe organization units for parent_id {parent_id} with error: {org_units['comment']}" ) return {} organizational_units = org_units["ret"]["OrganizationalUnits"] for ou in organizational_units: tags = await hub.exec.boto3.client.organizations.list_tags_for_resource( ctx, ResourceId=ou["Id"] ) if not tags["result"]: hub.log.debug( f"Unable to list tags for resource {ou['Id']} with error: {tags['comment']}" ) continue translated_resource = ( ou, parent_id, tags["ret"].get("Tags") if tags else None ) ) result[ou["Name"]] = { "aws.organizations.organization_unit.present": [ {parameter_key: parameter_value} for parameter_key, parameter_value in translated_resource.items() ] } return result