Source code for

"""State module for managing EC2 VPC Peering Connection Accepter."""
import copy
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict

__contracts__ = ["resource"]

[docs]async def present( hub, ctx, name: str, resource_id: str, connection_status: str = None, tags: Dict[str, str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Requests to modify the VPC peering connection accepter. If you are creating a VPC peering connection in the same AWS account, you must both create and accept the request yourself. A VPC peering connection that's in the pending-acceptance state must be accepted by the owner of the accepter VPC to be activated. Updating the status only makes sense when the vpc peering connection is in pending-acceptance mode. When updating the status is attempted to be made through the VPC peering connection resource, it can only take place when the two VPCs are in the same region and have the same owner. If that is not true, the acceptance is controlled by this particular resource - VPC peering connection accepter. Args: name(str): An Idem name of the resource. resource_id(str): An identifier of the resource in the provider. It is an identifier of the vpc peering connection of which the options are part of. connection_status(str, Optional): The desired status for the VPC peering connection, but in practice, an update will be attempted only if this status is set to "active". tags(Dict, Optional): Dict in the format of {tag-key: tag-value} The tags to assign to the peering connection. Each tag consists of a key name and an associated value. Defaults to None. Request Syntax: .. code-block:: sls [vpc-peering-connection-id]: aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter.present: - resource_id: "string" - connection_status: "string" - tags: "Dict" Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: sls pcx-ae89ce9b: aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter.present: - resource_id: pcx-ae89ce9b - connection_status: "active" - tags: first_key: first_value second_key: second_value third_key: third_value fourth_key: fourth_value """ result = dict(comment=[], old_state=None, new_state=None, name=name, result=True) resource_updated = False if not resource_id: result["result"] = False result[ "comment" ] = "resource_id", "aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter", name ) return result else: before = await ctx, name=name, resource_id=resource_id ) if not before["result"] or not before["ret"]: result["result"] = False result["comment"] = before["comment"] return result result["old_state"] = before["ret"] plan_state = copy.deepcopy(result["old_state"]) # Update status - activate the connection # The only update possible is status activation - accepting the connection. # All the other statuses a connection could have are changed on their own, # for example: failed, expired, rejected... # The deleted status could be set by calling the absent function on this resource. if ( connection_status == "active" and connection_status != result["old_state"]["connection_status"] ): accept_ret = await ctx, "aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter", name, resource_id, before["ret"]["connection_status"], connection_status, ) result["result"] = accept_ret["result"] result["comment"] += accept_ret["comment"] if not accept_ret["result"]: return result resource_updated = resource_updated or bool(accept_ret["ret"]) if resource_updated and ctx.get("test", False): plan_state["connection_status"] = accept_ret["ret"]["connection_status"] if resource_updated: if ctx.get("test", False): result["comment"] += "aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter", name ) else: result["comment"] += "aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter", name ) else: result["comment"] += "aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter", name ) # Update tags if tags is not None and tags != result["old_state"].get("tags"): update_ret = await ctx=ctx, resource_id=resource_id, old_tags=result["old_state"].get("tags"), new_tags=tags, ) result["result"] = update_ret["result"] result["comment"] += update_ret["comment"] if not update_ret["result"]: return result resource_updated = resource_updated or bool(update_ret["ret"]) if update_ret["ret"] is not None and ctx.get("test", False): plan_state["tags"] = update_ret["ret"] if ctx.get("test", False): result["new_state"] = plan_state elif (not result["old_state"]) or resource_updated: after = await ctx=ctx, name=name, resource_id=resource_id ) if not after["result"]: result["result"] = False result["comment"] += after["comment"] return result result["new_state"] = copy.deepcopy(after["ret"]) else: result["new_state"] = copy.deepcopy(result["old_state"]) return result
[docs]async def absent(hub, ctx, name: str, resource_id: str = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """A No-Op function for vpc_peering_connection_accepter. This is a configuration resource of the vpc_peering_connection resource. It's not possible to delete vpc_peering_connection_accepter, You need to delete the vpc_peering_connection resource by calling vpc_peering_connection.absent, while providing the vpc_peering_connection id. If you want to modify the vpc_peering_connection_accepter resource, use the vpc_peering_connection_options.present. Args: name(str): An Idem name of the resource. resource_id(str, Optional): The id of the vpc peering connection. Request Syntax: .. code-block:: sls [vpc-peering-connection-id]: aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter.absent: - name: "string" - resource_id: "string" Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: sls pcx-ae89ce9b: aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter.absent: - name: pcx-ae89ce9b - resource_id: pcx-ae89ce9b """ result = dict( comment=( "No-Op: The VPC peering connection accepter can not be deleted as it is not an AWS resource", ), old_state=None, new_state=None, name=name, result=True, ) return result
[docs]async def describe(hub, ctx) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Describe the resource in a way that can be recreated/managed with the corresponding "present" function. Describes one or more of your VPC peering connection accepters. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: bash $ idem describe """ result = {} ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_vpc_peering_connections(ctx) if not ret["result"]: hub.log.warning( f"Could not describe aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection {ret['comment']}" ) return {} for vpc_peering_connection in ret["ret"]["VpcPeeringConnections"]: resource_id = vpc_peering_connection.get("VpcPeeringConnectionId") vpc_peering_connection_accepter_translated = raw_resource=vpc_peering_connection, idem_resource_name=resource_id ) result[vpc_peering_connection_accepter_translated["resource_id"]] = { "aws.ec2.vpc_peering_connection_accepter.present": [ vpc_peering_connection_accepter_translated ] } return result