Source code for

Manage Ec2 Network Interfaces
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List

from dict_tools.typing import Computed

__contracts__ = ["resource", "allow_sync_sls_name_and_name_tag"]  # , "soft_fail"]

TREQ = {
    "present": {
        "require": [

[docs]async def present( hub, ctx, *, name: str, subnet_id: str, resource_id: str = None, client_token: str = None, description: str = None, groups: List[str] = None, interface_type: str = None, default_ipv6_address: str = None, primary_ip_address: str = None, private_ip_addresses: List[str] = None, ipv4_address_count: int = None, ipv4_prefix_count: int = None, ipv4_prefixes: List[str] = None, ipv6_addresses: List[str] = None, ipv6_address_count: int = None, ipv6_prefix_count: int = None, ipv6_prefixes: List[str] = None, tags: Dict[str, str] = None, # Parameters cannot be used on creation # Computed Parameters (cannot be modified) # TODO some of these CAN be modified availability_zone: Computed[str] = None, mac_address: Computed[str] = None, outpost_arn: Computed[str] = None, owner_id: Computed[str] = None, private_dns_name: Computed[str] = None, requester_id: Computed[str] = None, requester_managed: Computed[str] = None, source_dest_check: Computed[str] = None, status: Computed[str] = None, vpc_id: Computed[str] = None, deny_all_igw_traffic: Computed[bool] = None, ipv6_native: Computed[bool] = None, # Association allocation_id: Computed[str] = None, ip_owner_id: Computed[str] = None, public_dns_name: Computed[str] = None, public_ip: Computed[str] = None, customer_owned_ip: Computed[str] = None, carrier_ip: Computed[str] = None, # Attachment attachment_id: Computed[str] = None, delete_on_termination: Computed[bool] = None, device_index: Computed[int] = None, network_card_index: Computed[int] = None, ena_srd_enabled: Computed[bool] = None, ena_srd_udp_enabled: Computed[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Creates a network interface in the specified subnet. The number of IP addresses you can assign to a network interface varies by instance type. For more information, see IP Addresses Per ENI Per Instance Type in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide. For more information about network interfaces, see Elastic network interfaces in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. Args: name(str): An Idem name of the resource. resource_id(str): An identifier of the resource in the provider. Defaults to None. client_token(str, Optional): The idempotency token for the network interface. description(str, Optional): A description for the network interface. Defaults to None. groups(List[str], Optional): The IDs of one or more security groups. Defaults to None. ipv6_addresses(List[str]], Optional): The IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 CIDR block range of your subnet. Defaults to None. default_ipv6_address(str, Optional): The default IPv6 address. primary_ip_address(str, Optional): The primary private IPv4 address of the network interface. If you don't specify an IPv4 address, Amazon EC2 selects one for you from the subnet's IPv4 CIDR range. Defaults to None. private_ip_addresses(List[str]], Optional): The private IPv4 addresses. If you specify the private IPv4 addresses, you should also specify the primary private IPv4 address using the primary_ip_address property. If you only need a primary private IPv4 address, you can specify it using the primary_ip_address property and not use this property. interface_type(str, Optional): The type of network interface. The default is interface. The only supported values are efa and trunk. Defaults to None. subnet_id(str): The ID of the subnet to associate with the network interface. tags(Dict[str, str], Optional): The tags to apply to the resource. Defaults to None. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: sls default_vpc: - path: aws.ec2.vpc.get - kwargs: filters: - name: is-default values: - "true" default_subnet: - path: aws.ec2.subnet.get - kwargs: filters: - name: vpc-id values: - ${exec:default_vpc:resource_id} my_network_interface: aws.ec2.network_interface.present: - subnet_id: ${exec:default_subnet:resource_id} """ # Convert a list of dictionaries to a plain dictionary before calculating desired_state if isinstance(tags, list): tags = # Get all the parameters passed to this function as a single dictionary desired_state = { k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in ("hub", "ctx", "kwargs") } result = dict(comment=[], old_state=None, new_state=None, name=name, result=True) current_state = None if resource_id: get = await ctx, name=name, resource_id=resource_id ) if get.result is True: if get.ret is None: result["comment"] += [ f"Could not find Network Interface for '{name}' with existing id '{resource_id}'" ] result["result"] = False return result else: result["comment"] += [f"Network Interface '{name}' already exists"] current_state = result["old_state"] = get.ret elif client_token: get = await ctx, name=name, filters=[{"Name": "client-token", "Values": [client_token]}] ) if get.result is True: if get.ret is None: result["comment"] += [ f"Could not find Network Interface for '{name}' with existing idempotence token '{client_token}'" ] else: current_state = result["old_state"] = get.ret resource_id = current_state.resource_id result["comment"] += [f"Network Interface '{name}' already exists"] # No resource_id from cache or parameters, we need to create the resource if not resource_id: if ctx.test: result["new_state"] = desired_state result["comment"] += resource_type="aws.ec2.network_interface", name=name ) return result else: create_ret = await ctx, **desired_state ) # If we fail to create the network interface, just return the proper error message if not create_ret["result"]: result["result"] = False result["comment"] += [create_ret.comment] return result result["comment"] += resource_type="aws.ec2.network_interface", name=name ) result["result"] &= create_ret.result result["new_state"] = current_state = create_ret.ret # This makes sure the created Network Interface is saved to esm regardless if the subsequent update call fails or not. result["force_save"] = True if not current_state: result["comment"] += [f"Unable to get the current_state: '{name}'"] result["result"] = False return result # Modify all the attributes that need modification if ctx.test: result["new_state"] = desired_state else: ctx.old_state = current_state await, **desired_state) # The API could return empty response on certain situations (ref: API documentation) # Adding one of the recommended filters which is required for network interface to scope its lookup get = await ctx, name=name, resource_id=current_state["resource_id"], filters=[ { "Name": "subnet-id", "Values": [ subnet_id, ], }, ], ) if get.result: result["new_state"] = get.ret return result
[docs]async def absent( hub, ctx, *, name: str, resource_id: str = None, client_token: str = None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r""" Deletes the specified network interface. You must detach the network interface before you can delete it. Args: name(str): An Idem name of the resource. resource_id(str, Optional): The ID of the network interface. client_token(str, Optional): The idempotency token for the network interface. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: sls resource_is_absent: aws_auto.ec2.network_interface.absent: - name: value - resource_id: value """ result = dict( comment=[], old_state=ctx.old_state, new_state=None, name=name, result=True ) # Get the resource_id from ESM if not resource_id: resource_id = (ctx.old_state or {}).get("resource_id") if not resource_id and client_token: get = await ctx, name=name, filters=[{"Name": "client-token", "Values": [client_token]}] ) resource_id = get.ret.resource_id # If there still is no resource_id, the instance is gone if not resource_id: result["comment"] += resource_type="aws.ec2.network_interface", name=name ) return result if ctx.test: result["comment"] += resource_type="aws.ec2.network_interface", name=name ) return result ret = await, resource_id=resource_id) result["comment"].extend(ret.comment) if not ret.result and any("does not exist" in c for c in ret.comment): result["comment"] += resource_type="aws.ec2.network_interface", name=name ) # The command failed because the instance no longer exists return result elif not ret.result: # The failure is some other reason we need to examine result["result"] &= ret.result result["comment"] += [ret.comment] else: result["comment"] += resource_type="aws.ec2.network_interface", name=name ) return result
[docs]async def describe(hub, ctx) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: r""" Describe the resource in a way that can be recreated/managed with the corresponding "present" function Describes one or more of your network interfaces. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: bash $ idem describe aws_auto.ec2.network_interface """ result = {} ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_network_interfaces(ctx) if not ret["result"]: hub.log.warning(f"Could not describe network_interface {ret['comment']}") return result network_interfaces = ret["ret"] ) for resource_id, resource_present_state in network_interfaces.items(): result[resource_id] = { "aws.ec2.network_interface.present": [ {k: v} for k, v in resource_present_state.items() if v is not None ] } return result