Source code for

from typing import Any
from typing import Dict

__func_alias__ = {"list_": "list"}

[docs]async def get(hub, ctx, name: str, resource_id: str): """Provides details about a specific hosted_zone as a data-source. Args: name(str): The name of the Idem state. resource_id(str): AWS Hosted Zone id to identify the resource. Returns: Dict[bool, list, dict or None]: Examples: Calling this exec module function from the cli with resource_id .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws.route53.hosted_zone.get name="idem_name" resource_id="resource_id" Using in a state: .. code-block:: yaml my_unmanaged_resource: - path: aws.route53.hosted_zone.get - kwargs: name: my_resource resource_id: resource_id """ result = dict(comment=[], ret=None, result=True) ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.route53.get_hosted_zone(ctx, Id=resource_id) if not ret["result"]: if "NoSuchHostedZone" in str(ret["comment"]): result["comment"].append( resource_type="aws.route53.hosted_zone", name=name ) ) result["comment"] += list(ret["comment"]) return result result["comment"] += list(ret["comment"]) result["result"] = False return result tags_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.route53.list_tags_for_resource( ctx, ResourceType="hostedzone", ResourceId=resource_id ) tags = None if tags_ret["result"]: tags = tags_ret["ret"].get("ResourceTagSet").get("Tags", []) else: result["result"] = False result["comment"] = tags_ret["comment"] return result result[ "ret" ] = raw_resource=ret, idem_resource_name=name, tags=tags, ) return result
[docs]async def list_( hub, ctx, hosted_zone_name: str = None, private_zone: bool = None, vpc_id: str = None, tags: Dict[str, Any] = None, resource_id: str = None, ): """ Args: hosted_zone_name(str, Optional): The domain name of hosted_zone private_zone(bool, Optional): Bool argument to specify a private hosted_zone. One of the filter option for hosted_zone vpc_id(str, Optional): The vpc_id associated with the hosted_zone.One of the filter option for hosted_zone tags(dict, Optional): Tags of the hosted_zone. One of the filter option for hosted_zone resource_id(str, Optional): AWS Hosted Zone id to identify the resource. Returns: Dict[bool, list, dict or None]: Examples: Calling this exec module function from the cli .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws.route53.hosted_zone.list hosted_zone_name="my_hosted_zone" Using in a state: .. code-block:: yaml my_unmanaged_resource: - path: aws.route53.hosted_zone.list - kwargs: hosted_zone_name: my_hosted_zone """ result = dict(comment=[], ret=None, result=True) hosted_zones = [] # Even though this is list a resource_id might be specified if resource_id: get_ret = await ctx, name="from-list", resource_id=resource_id ) if get_ret["result"] and get_ret["ret"]: result["ret"] = [get_ret["ret"]] return result return get_ret ret = await if not ret["result"]: result["result"] = ret["result"] result["comment"] = ret["comment"] return result filtered_ret = raw_hosted_zones=ret["ret"], hosted_zone_name=hosted_zone_name, private_zone=private_zone, vpc_id=vpc_id, tags=tags, ) result["comment"] = filtered_ret["comment"] if not filtered_ret["ret"]: result["result"] = filtered_ret["result"] return result if filtered_ret["ret"] is None: resource_type="aws.route53.hosted_zone", name=hosted_zone_name ) result["result"] = filtered_ret["result"] return result for raw_hosted_zone in filtered_ret["ret"]: name = raw_hosted_zone["ret"]["HostedZone"].get("Name") resource_id = raw_hosted_zone["ret"]["HostedZone"].get("Id").split("/")[-1] hosted_zone = await ctx, name=name, resource_id=resource_id ) if not hosted_zone["result"]: result["comment"] = hosted_zone["comment"] result["result"] = False return result hosted_zones.append(hosted_zone["ret"]) result["ret"] = hosted_zones return result