Source code for

"""Exec module for managing Rds Db Proxy Targets."""
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List

__contracts__ = ["soft_fail"]

__func_alias__ = {"list_": "list"}

[docs]async def get( hub, ctx, db_proxy_name: str = None, resource_id: str = None, target_group_name: str = None, name: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns information about DBProxyTarget objects. This API supports pagination. Args: db_proxy_name(str, Optional): The identifier of the DBProxyTarget to describe. resource_id(str, Optional): Db_proxy_target unique ID. target_group_name(str, Optional): The identifier of the DBProxyTargetGroup to describe. Defaults to None. name(str, Optional): Idem name of the resource. Defaults to None. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: Resource State: .. code-block:: sls unmanaged_resource: - path: aws.rds.db_proxy_target.get - kwargs: db_proxy_name: value resource_id: value Exec call from the CLI: .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws.rds.db_proxy_target.get db_proxy_name=value, resource_id=value """ result = dict(comment=[], ret=None, result=True) if resource_id: resource_id_arr = resource_id.split("/") if len(resource_id_arr) < 4: result["result"] = False result["comment"].append( "Invalid resource_id. resource_id should be in format {db_proxy_name}/{target_group_name}/{target_group_type}/{rds_instance_id}" ) return result db_proxy_name = resource_id_arr[0] target_group_name = resource_id_arr[1] db_proxy_target_get = await hub.exec.boto3.client.rds.describe_db_proxy_targets( ctx=ctx, **{"DBProxyName": db_proxy_name, "TargetGroupName": target_group_name}, ) # Case: Error if not db_proxy_target_get["result"]: # Do not return success=false when it is not found. # Most of the resources would return "*NotFound*" type of exception when it is 404 if ( "DBProxyNotFoundFault" in str(db_proxy_target_get["comment"]) or "DBProxyTargetNotFoundFault" in str(db_proxy_target_get["comment"]) or "DBProxyTargetGroupNotFoundFault" in str(db_proxy_target_get["comment"]) ): result["comment"].append( resource_type="aws.rds.db_proxy_target", name=resource_id ) ) result["comment"].append(db_proxy_target_get["comment"]) return result result["comment"].append(db_proxy_target_get["comment"]) result["result"] = False return result # Case: Empty results if not db_proxy_target_get["ret"] or not db_proxy_target_get["ret"]["Targets"]: result["comment"].append( resource_type="aws.rds.db_proxy_target", name=resource_id ) ) return result if len(db_proxy_target_get["ret"]["Targets"]) > 1: result["comment"].append( resource_id=resource_id, resource_type="aws.rds.db_proxy_target" ) ) raw_resource = db_proxy_target_get["ret"]["Targets"][0] result[ "ret" ] = await ctx=ctx, resource_id=resource_id, raw_resource=raw_resource, idem_resource_name=name, db_proxy_name=db_proxy_name, target_group_name=target_group_name, ) return result
[docs]async def list_( hub, ctx, db_proxy_name: str, target_group_name: str = "default", name: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns information about DBProxyTarget objects. This API supports pagination. Args: db_proxy_name(str): The identifier of the DBProxy to describe. target_group_name(str): The identifier of the DBProxyTargetGroup to describe. Defaults to None. filters(List[dict[str, Any]], Optional): This parameter is not currently supported. Defaults to None. * Name (str): The name of the filter. Filter names are case-sensitive. * Values (List[str]): One or more filter values. Filter values are case-sensitive. name(str, Optional): Idem name of the resource. Defaults to None. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: Resource State: .. code-block:: sls unmanaged_resources: - path: aws.rds.db_proxy_target.list - kwargs: db_proxy_name: value Exec call from the CLI: .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws.rds.db_proxy_target.list db_proxy_name=value Describe call from the CLI: .. code-block:: bash $ idem describe aws.rds.db_proxy_target """ result = dict(comment=[], ret=[], result=True) ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.rds.describe_db_proxy_targets( ctx=ctx, **{ "DBProxyName": db_proxy_name, "TargetGroupName": target_group_name, }, ) if not ret["result"]: result["comment"].append(ret["comment"]) result["result"] = False return result if not ret["ret"].get("Targets"): result["comment"].append( resource_type="aws.rds.db_proxy_target", name=None ) ) return result for resource in ret["ret"]["Targets"]: resource_id = resource, db_proxy_name, target_group_name ) result["ret"].append( await ctx=ctx, resource_id=resource_id, raw_resource=resource, idem_resource_name=name if name else resource_id, db_proxy_name=db_proxy_name, target_group_name=target_group_name, ) ) return result
[docs]async def create( hub, ctx, db_proxy_name: str, target_group_name: str, db_instance_identifiers: List[str] = None, db_cluster_identifiers: List[str] = None, resource_id: str = None, name: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Associate one or more DBProxyTarget data structures with a DBProxyTargetGroup. Args: db_proxy_name(str): The identifier of the DBProxy that is associated with the DBProxyTargetGroup. target_group_name(str, Optional): The identifier of the DBProxyTargetGroup. Defaults to None. db_instance_identifiers(List[str], Optional): One or more DB instance identifiers. Defaults to None. db_cluster_identifiers(List[str], Optional): One or more DB cluster identifiers. Defaults to None. resource_id(str, Optional): Db_proxy_target unique ID. Defaults to None. name(str, Optional): Idem name of the resource. Defaults to None. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: Using in a state: .. code-block:: sls resource_is_present: aws.rds.db_proxy_target.present: - db_proxy_name: value Exec call from the CLI: .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws.rds.db_proxy_target.create db_proxy_name=value """ result = dict(comment=[], ret={}, result=True) desired_state = { k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in ("hub", "ctx", "kwargs", "result") and v is not None } resource_to_raw_input_mapping = { "db_proxy_name": "DBProxyName", "target_group_name": "TargetGroupName", "db_instance_identifiers": "DBInstanceIdentifiers", "db_cluster_identifiers": "DBClusterIdentifiers", } payload = {} for key, value in desired_state.items(): if key in resource_to_raw_input_mapping.keys() and value is not None: payload[resource_to_raw_input_mapping[key]] = desired_state.get(key) ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.rds.register_db_proxy_targets(ctx, **payload) result["result"] = ret["result"] if not result["result"]: result["comment"].append(ret["comment"]) return result result["comment"].append( f"Created aws.rds.db_proxy_target '{name}'", ) raw_resource = ret["ret"].get("DBProxyTargets")[0] result["ret"]["resource_id"] = raw_resource, db_proxy_name, target_group_name ) result["ret"]["name"] = name return result
[docs]async def delete( hub, ctx, resource_id: str, db_instance_identifiers: List[str] = None, db_cluster_identifiers: List[str] = None, name: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Remove the association between one or more DBProxyTarget data structures and a DBProxyTargetGroup. Args: resource_id(str): Db_proxy_target unique ID. db_instance_identifiers(List[str], Optional): One or more DB instance identifiers. Defaults to None. db_cluster_identifiers(List[str], Optional): One or more DB cluster identifiers. Defaults to None. name(str, Optional): Idem name of the resource. Defaults to None. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: Resource State: .. code-block:: sls resource_is_absent: aws.rds.db_proxy_target.absent: - db_proxy_name: value - resource_id: value Exec call from the CLI: .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws.rds.db_proxy_target.delete db_proxy_name=value, resource_id=value """ result = dict(comment=[], ret=None, result=True) resource_id_arr = resource_id.split("/") if len(resource_id_arr) < 4: result["result"] = False result["comment"].append( "Invalid resource_id. resource_id should be in format {db_proxy_name}/{target_group_name}/{target_group_type}/{rds_instance_id}" ) return result db_proxy_name = resource_id_arr[0] target_group_name = resource_id_arr[1] delete_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.rds.deregister_db_proxy_targets( ctx, **{ "DBProxyName": db_proxy_name, "TargetGroupName": target_group_name, "DBInstanceIdentifiers": db_instance_identifiers, "DBClusterIdentifiers": db_cluster_identifiers, }, ) result["result"] = delete_ret["result"] if not result["result"]: result["comment"] = delete_ret["comment"] result["result"] = False return result result["comment"] = resource_type="aws.rds.db_proxy_target", name=name ) return result