Source code for

Exec module for rds.db_instance
from dataclasses import make_dataclass
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List

__func_alias__ = {"list_": "list"}

[docs]async def get(hub, ctx, resource_id: str, name: str = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns information about provisioned RDS instances. This operation can also return information for Amazon Neptune DB instances and Amazon DocumentDB instances. Args: resource_id (str): An identifier of the resource in the provider. Defaults to None. name(str, Optional): Idem name of the resource. Defaults to None. Examples: .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws_auto.rds.db_instance.get resource_id=0123456789abcdef .. code-block:: python async def my_func(hub, ctx): ret = await hub.exec.aws_auto.rds.db_instance.get(ctx, resource_id="01235789abcdef") .. code-block:: yaml aws_auto_rds_db_instance_get_resource: - path: aws_auto.rds.db_instance.get - resource_id: 0123456789abcdef """ result = { "comment": [], "ret": None, "result": True, } ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.rds.describe_db_instances( ctx=ctx, DBInstanceIdentifier=resource_id, ) if not ret["result"]: if "DBInstanceNotFoundFault" in str(ret.get("comment", "")): result["comment"].append( resource_type="aws.rds.db_instance", name=name if name else resource_id, ) ) else: ret["result"] = False result["comment"] += list(ret["comment"]) return result if not ret["ret"]["DBInstances"]: result["comment"].append( resource_type="aws.rds.db_instance", name=name if name else resource_id ) ) return result resource = ret["ret"]["DBInstances"][0] if len(ret["ret"]["DBInstances"]) > 1: result["comment"].append( f"More than one aws.rds.db_instance resource was found. Use resource {resource.get('DBInstanceIdentifier')}" ) tags = await hub.exec.boto3.client.rds.list_tags_for_resource( ctx, ResourceName=resource["DBInstanceArn"] ) if not tags["result"]: result["result"] = False result["comment"] = tags["comment"] return result result[ "ret" ] = raw_resource=resource, raw_resource_tags=tags, ) return result
[docs]async def list_( hub, ctx, filters: List[ make_dataclass("Filter", [("Name", str), ("Values", List[str])]) ] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns information about provisioned RDS instances. This operation can also return information for Amazon Neptune DB instances and Amazon DocumentDB instances. Args: filters (list[Dict[str, Any]], Optional): A filter that specifies one or more DB instances to describe. Supported filters: * db-cluster-id (str, Optional): Accepts DB cluster identifiers and DB cluster Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). The results list only includes information about the DB instances associated with the DB clusters identified by these ARNs. * db-instance-id (str, Optional): Accepts DB instance identifiers and DB instance Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). The results list only includes information about the DB instances identified by these ARNs. * dbi-resource-id (str, Optional): Accepts DB instance resource identifiers. The results list will only include information about the DB instances identified by these DB instance resource identifiers. * domain (str, Optional): Accepts Active Directory directory IDs. The results list only includes information about the DB instances associated with these domains. * engine (str, Optional): Accepts engine names. The results list only includes information about the DB instances for these engines. Defaults to None. * Name (str): The name of the filter. Filter names are case-sensitive. * Values (list[str]): One or more filter values. Filter values are case-sensitive. Examples: .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws_auto.rds.db_instance.list .. code-block:: python async def my_func(hub, ctx): ret = await hub.exec.aws_auto.rds.db_instance.list(ctx) .. code-block:: yaml aws_auto_rds_db_instance_list_resource: - path: aws_auto.rds.db_instance.list """ result = { "comment": [], "ret": None, "result": True, } ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.rds.describe_db_instances( ctx=ctx, filters=filters, ) result["ret"] = [] for resource in ret["ret"]["DBInstances"]: tags = await hub.exec.boto3.client.rds.list_tags_for_resource( ctx, ResourceName=resource["DBInstanceArn"], ) if not tags["result"]: result["result"] = False result["comment"] = tags["comment"] return result result["ret"].append( raw_resource=resource, raw_resource_tags=tags, ) ) return result