Source code for

Functions for interacting with an instance based on its ID
import copy
import itertools
from typing import Dict
from typing import List

__func_alias__ = {"list_": "list"}


def __init__(hub):

[docs]async def bootstrap( hub, ctx, instance_id, *, username: str = None, host: str = None, port: int = DEFAULT_SSH_PORT, ssh_public_key: str = None, ssh_private_key: str = None, availability_zone: str = None, heist_manager: str, artifact_version: str = None, tunnel_plugin: str = DEFAULT_TUNNEL_PLUGIN, auto_configure: bool = False, verify: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """Connect to the instance with an ssh keypair and call heist to bootstrap it. If an ssh keypair is not provided one will be created. Args: instance_id: An AWS EC2 Instance ID. username(str, Optional): The instance OS username to use in the connection, Defaults to ec2-user. host(str, Optional): The public ip address or dns name of the instance. Defaults to autodetect. port(int, Optional): The port to connect to on the host. Defaults to 22. ssh_public_key(str, Optional): A public ssh key or path to send to the instance. ssh_private_key(str, Optional): A private ssh key or path to send to the instance. availability_zone(str, Optional): The Availability Zone in which the EC2 instance was launched. heist_manager(str, Required): The heist manager to use to bootstrap the instance (I.E. salt.minion). artifact_version(str, Optional): The version of the heist_manager's artifact to upload to the instance, Defaults to latest. tunnel_plugin(str, Optional): The heist tunnel plugin to use to ssh into the instance. Defaults to asyncssh. auto_configure(bool, Optional): automatically apply internet_gateway/subnet/vpc/route_table changes needed to SSH into an instance. verify(bool, Optional): If set to True, then verify that the instance is prepared for ssh connections. kwargs: All extra kwargs are used in asyncssh.SSHClientConnectionOptions. Returns: {"result": True|False, "comment": A message Tuple, "ret": Dict} Examples: .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws.ec2.instance.bootstrap <instance_id> heist_manager="salt.minion" """ result = dict(comment=[], result=True, ret=None) if verify or auto_configure: verify_ssh_ret = await ctx, instance_id=instance_id, auto_configure=auto_configure ) result["result"] &= verify_ssh_ret.result result["comment"] += verify_ssh_ret.comment if not result["result"]: return result with ssh_public_key=ssh_public_key, ssh_private_key=ssh_private_key, auto_configure=auto_configure, ) as key_pair: verified_public_key, private_key_file = key_pair connection_ret = await ctx, instance_id=instance_id, username=username, host=host, port=port, tunnel_plugin=tunnel_plugin, ssh_public_key=verified_public_key, private_key_file=private_key_file, availability_zone=availability_zone, **kwargs, ) result["result"] &= connection_ret.result result["comment"] += connection_ret.comment if not result["result"]: return result # Bootstrap the instance await hub.heist[heist_manager].run( remotes={instance_id: connection_ret.ret}, artifact_version=artifact_version ) # TODO Check for a successful bootstrapping result["comment"] += [ f"Successfully bootstrapped instance '{instance_id}' with '{heist_manager}'", ] return result
[docs]async def verify_ssh(hub, ctx, instance_id: str, auto_configure: bool = False): """Verify that an instance meets all the requirements for SSH connection Args: instance_id(str): An AWS EC2 Instance ID. auto_configure(bool, Optional): Automatically apply internet_gateway/subnet/vpc/route_table changes needed to SSH into an instance. Returns: {"result": True|False, "comment": A message Tuple, "ret": Dict} Examples: .. code-block:: bash $ idem exec aws.ec2.instance.verify_ssh <instance_id> auto_configure=True """ result = dict(result=True, comment=[], ret=None) # Create an instance resource object to use for defaults instance = await hub.tool.boto3.resource.create(ctx, "ec2", "Instance", instance_id) # Verify that the instance is in a state with all the right permissions if not instance.state["Name"] == "running": if auto_configure: # start the instance ret = await, result["result"] &= ret if ret.comment: result["comment"].append(ret.comment) else: result["result"] = False result["comment"] += [ "Instance is not running, run the following command to start the instance" ] result["comment"] += [ f"$ idem exec aws.ec2.instance.start instance_id={}" ] return result if not instance.vpc.vpc_id: # Instances must have a vpc, this is a sanity check result["comment"] += [f"No vpc attached to instance"] result["result"] = False return result if not instance.subnet.subnet_id: # Instances must have a subnet, this is a sanity check result["comment"] += [f"No subnet attached to instance"] result["result"] = False return result # Verify that an internet gateway is attached to the instance's vpc internet_gateway_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_internet_gateways( ctx, Filters=[ {"Name": "attachment.vpc-id", "Values": [instance.vpc.vpc_id]}, ], ) if not internet_gateway_ret.result and internet_gateway_ret.ret["InternetGateways"]: if auto_configure: # Create a new internet gateway igw_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.create_internet_gateway(ctx) result["result"] &= igw_ret.result if igw_ret.comment: result["comment"] += [igw_ret.comment] if not result["result"]: return result internet_gateway_id = igw_ret.ret["InternetGatewayId"] result["comment"] += [f"Created internet gateway: {internet_gateway_id}"] # attach the internet gateway to the instance's vpc attach_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.attach_internet_gateway( ctx, InternetGatewayId=internet_gateway_id, VpcId=instance.vpc.vpc_id ) result["result"] &= attach_ret.result if attach_ret.comment: result["comment"] += [attach_ret.comment] if not result["result"]: return result result["comment"] += [ f"Attached internet gateway '{internet_gateway_id}' to {instance.vpc.vpc_id}" ] internet_gateway_ids = [internet_gateway_id] else: result["comment"] += [ f"No internet gateway attached to instance's vpc: {instance.vpc.vpc_id}", "Run the following command to attach an internet gateway to the instance's vpc", f"$ idem exec boto3.client.ec2.create_internet_gateway --output=json > igw.json", "$ IGW_ID=\"${jq -r '.ret.InternetGatewayId' igw.json}\"", f"$ idem exec boto3.client.ec2.attach_internet_gateway InternetGatewayId=$IGW_ID VpcId={instance.vpc.vpc_id}", ] result["result"] = False return result else: internet_gateway_ids = [ igw["InternetGatewayId"] for igw in internet_gateway_ret.ret["InternetGateways"] ] # Verify that there is a route with as the destination and the internet gateway for your VPC as the target ipv4_route_table_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_route_tables( ctx, Filters=[ {"Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [instance.vpc.vpc_id]}, {"Name": "route.destination-cidr-block", "Values": [""]}, {"Name": "route.gateway-id", "Values": internet_gateway_ids}, ], ) has_route_table = False if not (ipv4_route_table_ret and ipv4_route_table_ret.ret["RouteTables"]): result["comment"] += [ f"No route from vpc's internet gateway {internet_gateway_ids} to ''" ] else: has_route_table = True if not has_route_table: # Verify that there is a route with ::/0 as the destination and the internet gateway for your VPC as the target ipv6_route_table_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_route_tables( ctx, Filters=[ {"Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [instance.vpc.vpc_id]}, {"Name": "route.destination-ipv6-cidr-block", "Values": ["::/0"]}, {"Name": "route.gateway-id", "Values": internet_gateway_ids}, ], ) if not (ipv6_route_table_ret and ipv6_route_table_ret.ret["RouteTables"]): result["comment"] += [ f"No route from vpc's internet gateway {internet_gateway_ids} to '::/0'" ] else: has_route_table = True # If there is still no route table then add a command to the comments that would enable it if not has_route_table: if auto_configure: # TODO configure route table ... else: # At least one ipv4 or ipv6 route table must be configured for SSH result["result"] = False # Get the first internet gateway to use in an example igw_id = next(iter(internet_gateway_ids)) # Get the id of the main route table attached to the vpc try_route_table = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_route_tables( ctx, Filters=[ {"Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [instance.vpc.vpc_id]}, {"Name": "route.gateway-id", "Values": [igw_id]}, ], ) if try_route_table and try_route_table.ret: result["comment"] += [ "Use the following command to create a valid SSH route for the instance" ] # Get the id of the main route table rt_id = next(iter(try_route_table.ret["RouteTables"]))["RouteTableId"] result["comment"] += [ f"$ idem exec boto3.client.ec2.create_route RouteTableID={rt_id} VpcEndpointId={instance.vpc.vpc_id} DestinationCidrBlock='' GatewayId={igw_id}" ] # Verify that the ACL for the subnet allows inbound traffic network_acl_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_network_acls( ctx, Filters=[ {"Name": "association.subnet-id", "Values": [instance.subnet.subnet_id]}, {"Name": "entry.rule-action", "Values": ["allow"]}, {"Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [instance.vpc.vpc_id]}, ], ) if not (network_acl_ret and network_acl_ret.ret["NetworkAcls"]): result["comment"] += [f"No valid ACL"] if auto_configure: # TODO configure network acl ... else: result["result"] = False return result
[docs]async def connect( hub, ctx, instance_id: str, *, username: str = None, host: str = None, port: int = DEFAULT_SSH_PORT, tunnel_plugin: str = DEFAULT_TUNNEL_PLUGIN, ssh_public_key: str, private_key_file: str, availability_zone: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Attempt connection with SSH to the instance with the given parameters. If no host or username is specified, then make reasonable guesses and return the target configuration that was successful Args: instance_id(str): An AWS EC2 Instance ID. username(str, Optional): The instance OS username to use in the connection, Defaults to ec2-user. host(str, Optional): The public ip address or dns name of the instance. Defaults to autodetect. port(int, Optional): The port to connect to on the host. Defaults to 22. ssh_public_key(str, Optional): A public ssh key or path to send to the instance. private_key_file(str, Optional): The path to a private ssh key file. availability_zone(str, Optional): The Availability Zone in which the EC2 instance was launched. tunnel_plugin(str, Optional): The heist tunnel plugin to use to ssh into the instance. Defaults to asyncssh. kwargs: All extra kwargs are used in asyncssh.SSHClientConnectionOptions. Returns: {"result": True|False, "comment": A message Tuple, "ret": Dict} Examples: .. code-block:: bash idem exec aws.ec2.instance.connect <instance_id> """ result = dict(result=True, comment=[], ret={}) # Create an instance resource object to use for defaults instance = await hub.tool.boto3.resource.create(ctx, "ec2", "Instance", instance_id) # Use the availability zone defined in the instance if none was provided if availability_zone is None: availability_zone = instance.placement["AvailabilityZone"] # If no host was provided then try all the instance's dns names and ip addresses if host: hosts_to_try = (host,) else: hosts_to_try = ( instance.public_dns_name, instance.private_dns_name, instance.private_ip_address, instance.ipv6_address, instance.public_ip_address, ) # If no username was provided then try all common known usernames for ec2 images if username: # Only use the given username user_names_to_try = (username,) else: user_names_to_try = ( "ec2-user", "root", "admin", "ubuntu", "bitnami", "fedora", "centos", ) # If no username or host was specified, then try multiple combinations until one works for try_user, try_host in itertools.product(user_names_to_try, hosts_to_try): if not try_host: # the ipv6_address or other attempted host name might not be set continue target = dict( host=try_host, port=port, bootstrap=True, username=try_user, client_keys=[private_key_file], IdentitiesOnly="yes", **kwargs, ) # Connect to the ec2 instance with the public key, connection will be available for 60 seconds connection_ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client[ "ec2-instance-connect" ].send_ssh_public_key( ctx, InstanceId=instance_id, InstanceOSUser=try_user, SSHPublicKey=ssh_public_key, AvailabilityZone=availability_zone, ) if connection_ret.comment: hub.log.debug( f"Sending public key to {instance_id}: {connection_ret.comment}" ) if not connection_ret.result: hub.log.debug(f"Connection error sending public key to {instance_id}") continue if not connection_ret.ret.get("Success"): hub.log.debug(f"Unable to send public key to {instance_id}") continue hub.log.debug( f"Connecting to instance '{instance_id}' with ssh: {try_user}@{try_host}" ) # Create a connection verify the ability to SSH to the instance ret = await hub.tunnel[tunnel_plugin].create( name=instance_id, target=copy.deepcopy(target) ) if not ret: hub.log.debug( f"Unable to connect to the instance with SSH: {try_user}@{try_host}" ) continue # Success! result["comment"] += [ f"Successfully connected to instance with SSH: {try_user}@{try_host}" ] result["ret"] = target return result # There were no successful connections in the loop result["comment"] += [ f"Unable to connect to instance with SSH", "Try troubleshooting:", ] result["result"] = False return result
[docs]async def start(hub, ctx, instance_id: (str, "alias=resource_id") = None): """ Start the instance and wait for it to be running """ result = dict(result=True, comment=[], ret={}) ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.start_instances( ctx, InstanceIds=[instance_id] ) if ret.comment: result["comment"].append(ret.comment) if not ret.result: result["result"] &= ret.result return result resource = await hub.tool.boto3.resource.create(ctx, "ec2", "Instance", instance_id) await hub.tool.boto3.resource.exec(resource, "wait_until_running") return result
[docs]async def stop(hub, ctx, instance_id: (str, "alias=resource_id") = None): """ Stop the instance and wait for it to be stopped. """ result = dict(result=True, comment=[], ret={}) ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.stop_instances( ctx, InstanceIds=[instance_id], Hibernate=False, Force=False ) if ret.comment: result["comment"].append(ret.comment) if not ret.result: result["result"] &= ret.result return result resource = await hub.tool.boto3.resource.create(ctx, "ec2", "Instance", instance_id) await hub.tool.boto3.resource.exec(resource, "wait_until_stopped") return result
[docs]async def get( hub, ctx, *, name=None, resource_id: str = None, filters: List = None, ) -> Dict: """ Args: name(str): The name of the Idem state. resource_id(str, Optional): AWS VPC id to identify the resource. filters(list, Optional): One or more filters: for example, tag :<key>, tag-key. A complete list of filters can be found at """ result = dict(comment=[], ret=None, result=True) if filters: filters = filters=filters ) if resource_id: ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_instances( ctx, InstanceIds=[resource_id], Filters=filters ) else: ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_instances( ctx, Filters=filters, ) if not ret["result"]: if "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound" in str(ret["comment"]): result["comment"].append( resource_type="aws.ec2.instance", name=name ) ) result["comment"] += list(ret["comment"]) return result result["comment"] += list(ret["comment"]) result["result"] = False return result present_states = ( await ctx, ret.ret, name=name ) ) # If the resource can't be found but there were no results then "result" is True and "ret" is None if not present_states: result["comment"].append( resource_type="aws.ec2.instance", name=name ) ) return result # return the first result as a plain dictionary result["ret"] = next(iter((present_states).values())) return result
[docs]async def list_(hub, ctx, *, name: str = None, filters: List = None) -> Dict: """ Args: name(str, Optional): The name of the Idem state. filters(list, Optional): One or more filters: for example, tag :<key>, tag-key. A complete list of filters can be found at """ result = dict(comment=[], ret=[], result=True) if filters: filters = filters=filters ) ret = await hub.exec.boto3.client.ec2.describe_instances( ctx, Filters=filters, ) # If there was an error in the call then report failure if not ret["result"]: result["comment"] += list(ret["comment"]) result["result"] = False return result present_states = ( await ctx, ret.ret ) ) if not present_states: result["comment"].append( resource_type="aws.ec2.instance", name=name ) ) return result # Return a list of dictionaries with details about all the instances result["ret"] = list(present_states.values()) return result