from typing import Any
from idem_vra.helpers.mapper import add_properties
from idem_vra.helpers.mapper import omit_properties
from idem_vra.helpers.models import StateReturn
__contracts__ = ["resource"]
TREQ = {
"present": {"require": ["vra.iaas.location.present"]},
"absent": {"require": []},
[docs]async def present(hub, ctx, name: str, regionId: Any, imageMapping: Any, **kwargs):
:param string regionId: (required in body) The id of the region for which this profile is created
:param object imageMapping: (required in body) Image mapping defined for the corresponding region.
:param string name: (required in body) A human-friendly name used as an identifier in APIs that support this
:param string apiVersion: (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning
information refer to /iaas/api/about
:param string description: (optional in body) A human-friendly description.
state = ImageprofileState(hub, ctx)
return await state.present(hub, ctx, name, regionId, imageMapping, **kwargs)
except Exception as error:
hub.log.error("Error during enforcing present state: imageprofile")
raise error
[docs]async def absent(hub, ctx, name: str, **kwargs):
:param string p_id: (required in path) The ID of the image.
:param string apiVersion: (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning
information refer to /iaas/api/about
:param string name: (required) name of the resource
state = ImageprofileState(hub, ctx)
return await state.absent(hub, ctx, name, **kwargs)
except Exception as error:
hub.log.error("Error during enforcing absent state: imageprofile")
raise error
[docs]async def describe(hub, ctx):
state = ImageprofileState(hub, ctx)
return await state.describe(hub, ctx)
except Exception as error:
hub.log.error("Error during describe: imageprofile")
raise error
[docs]def is_pending(hub, ret: dict, state: str = None, **pending_kwargs):
state = ImageprofileState(hub, None)
return state.is_pending(hub, ret, state, **pending_kwargs)
except Exception as error:
hub.log.error("Error during is_pending: imageprofile")
raise error
[docs]class ImageprofileState:
def __init__(self, hub, ctx):
self.hub = hub
self.ctx = ctx
[docs] async def present(
self, hub, ctx, name: str, regionId: Any, imageMapping: Any, **kwargs
search_result = (await self.paginate_find(hub, ctx))["ret"]
for s in search_result.content:
if name == s["name"] and True:
f'Returning resource imageprofile "{s["name"]}" due to existing resource "{name}"'
s = await self.remap_resource_structure(hub, ctx, s)
return StateReturn(
comment=f"Resource imageprofile {name} already exists.",
res = (
await hub.exec.vra.iaas.imageprofile.create_image_profile(
ctx, regionId, imageMapping, name, **kwargs
res = await self.remap_resource_structure(hub, ctx, res)
return StateReturn(
comment=f"Creation of imageprofile {name} success.",
[docs] async def absent(self, hub, ctx, name: str, **kwargs):
search_result = (await self.paginate_find(hub, ctx))["ret"]
resource = None
for s in search_result.content:
if name == s["name"] and True:
f'Found resource imageprofile "{s["name"]}" due to existing resource "{name}"'
s = await self.remap_resource_structure(hub, ctx, s)
resource = s
if resource:
# it exists!
delete_kwargs = {}
delete_kwargs["p_id"] = resource.get("id")
f"imageprofile with name = {resource.get('name')} already exists"
await hub.exec.vra.iaas.imageprofile.delete_image_profile(
ctx, **delete_kwargs
return StateReturn(
comment=f"Resource with name = {resource.get('name')} deleted.",
return StateReturn(
comment=f"Resource with name = {name} is already absent.",
[docs] async def describe(self, hub, ctx):
result = {}
res = await self.paginate_find(hub, ctx)
for obj in res.get("ret", {}).get("content", []):
# Keep track of name and id properties as they may get remapped
obj_name = obj.get("name", "unknown")
obj_id = obj.get("id", "unknown")
obj = await self.remap_resource_structure(hub, ctx, obj)
# Define props
props = [{key: value} for key, value in obj.items()]
# Build result
result[f"{obj_name}-{obj_id.split('-')[-1]}"] = {
"vra.iaas.imageprofile.present": props
return result
[docs] async def paginate_find(self, hub, ctx, **kwargs):
Paginate through all resources using their 'find' method.
res = await hub.exec.vra.iaas.imageprofile.get_image_profiles(ctx, **kwargs)
numberOfElements = res.get("ret", {}).get("numberOfElements", 0)
totalElements = res.get("ret", {}).get("totalElements", 0)
initialElements = numberOfElements
if numberOfElements != totalElements and totalElements != 0:
while initialElements < totalElements:
f"Requesting imageprofile with offset={initialElements} out of {totalElements}"
pres = await hub.exec.vra.iaas.imageprofile.get_image_profiles(
ctx, skip=initialElements
initialElements += pres.get("ret", {}).get("numberOfElements", 0)
aggO = res.get("ret", {}).get("content", [])
aggN = pres.get("ret", {}).get("content", [])
res["ret"]["content"] = [*aggO, *aggN]
res["ret"]["numberOfElements"] = initialElements
return res
[docs] def is_pending(self, hub, ret: dict, state: str = None, **pending_kwargs):
State reconciliation
hub.log.debug(f'Running is_pending for resource: {ret.get("__id__", None)}...')
is_pending_result = False
f'is_pending_result for resource "{ret.get("__id__", None)}": {is_pending_result}'
return is_pending_result
[docs] async def remap_resource_structure(self, hub, ctx, obj: dict) -> dict:
schema_mapper = {
"add": [],
"omit": [
# Perform resource mapping by adding properties and omitting properties.
# Property renaming is addition followed by omission.
if schema_mapper:
resource_name = "imageprofile"
hub.log.debug(f"Remapping resource {resource_name}...")
obj = await add_properties(obj, schema_mapper.get("add", []))
obj = omit_properties(obj, schema_mapper.get("omit", []))
return obj