
async idem_vra.exec.vra.abx.actionconstants.create_using_post1(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#

Create an action constant Creates a new action constant Performs POST /abx/api/resources/action-secrets

  • createdMillis (integer) – (optional in body) Creation time in millis

  • encrypted (boolean) – (optional in body) Flag to indicate if the value should be stored and transferred encrypted or not.

  • id (string) – (optional in body) ID of the resource

  • name (string) – (optional in body) Name of the resource

  • orgId (string) – (optional in body) Org ID of the resource

  • value (object) – (optional in body) Value of the corresponding key - could be a string or a JSON

async idem_vra.exec.vra.abx.actionconstants.delete_using_delete4(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs)[source]#

Delete an action constant Deletes an action constant Performs DELETE /abx/api/resources/action-secrets/{id}


p_id (string) – (required in path) id

async idem_vra.exec.vra.abx.actionconstants.get_all_using_get2(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#

Fetch all action constants Retrieves all action constants for given organization Performs GET /abx/api/resources/action-secrets

async idem_vra.exec.vra.abx.actionconstants.get_by_id_using_get2(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs)[source]#

Fetch action constant Retrieves action constant by given id Performs GET /abx/api/resources/action-secrets/{id}


p_id (string) – (required in path) id

async idem_vra.exec.vra.abx.actionconstants.update_using_put1(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs)[source]#

Update an action constant Updates an existing action constant Performs PUT /abx/api/resources/action-secrets/{id}

  • p_id (string) – (required in path) id

  • createdMillis (integer) – (optional in body) Creation time in millis

  • encrypted (boolean) – (optional in body) Flag to indicate if the value should be stored and transferred encrypted or not.

  • id (string) – (optional in body) ID of the resource

  • name (string) – (optional in body) Name of the resource

  • orgId (string) – (optional in body) Org ID of the resource

  • value (object) – (optional in body) Value of the corresponding key - could be a string or a JSON