
async idem_vra.exec.vra.blueprint.propertygroups.create_property_group_using_post(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates a property group Performs POST /properties/api/property-groups

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /blueprint/api/about

  • createdAt (string) – (optional in body) Created time

  • createdBy (string) – (optional in body) Created by

  • description (string) – (optional in body) Property group description

  • displayName (string) – (optional in body) Property group display name

  • id (string) – (optional in body) Object ID

  • name (string) – (optional in body) Property group name

  • orgId (string) – (optional in body) Org ID

  • projectId (string) – (optional in body) Project ID

  • projectName (string) – (optional in body) Project Name

  • properties (object) – (optional in body) Properties

  • type (string) – (optional in body) Property group type

  • updatedAt (string) – (optional in body) Updated time

  • updatedBy (string) – (optional in body) Updated by

async idem_vra.exec.vra.blueprint.propertygroups.delete_property_group_using_delete(hub, ctx, p_propertyGroupId, **kwargs)[source]#

Deletes a property group Performs DELETE /properties/api/property-groups/{propertyGroupId}

  • p_propertyGroupId (string) – (required in path) propertyGroupId

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /blueprint/api/about

async idem_vra.exec.vra.blueprint.propertygroups.get_property_group_using_get(hub, ctx, p_propertyGroupId, **kwargs)[source]#

Returns property group details Performs GET /properties/api/property-groups/{propertyGroupId}

  • p_propertyGroupId (string) – (required in path) propertyGroupId

  • select (array) – (optional in query) Fields to include in content.

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /blueprint/api/about

async idem_vra.exec.vra.blueprint.propertygroups.list_property_groups_using_get(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#

Lists Property Groups Performs GET /properties/api/property-groups

  • orderby (array) – (optional in query) Sorting criteria in the format: property (asc|desc). Default sort order is descending on updatedAt. Sorting is supported on fields createdAt, updatedAt, createdBy, updatedBy, name, type.

  • select (array) – (optional in query) Fields to include.

  • skip (integer) – (optional in query) Number of records you want to skip

  • top (integer) – (optional in query) Number of records you want

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /blueprint/api/about

  • name (string) – (optional in query) Filter by name

  • projects (array) – (optional in query) A comma-separated list. Results must be associated with one of these project IDs.

  • search (string) – (optional in query) Search by name and description

  • type (string) – (optional in query) Filter by type

async idem_vra.exec.vra.blueprint.propertygroups.update_property_group_using_put(hub, ctx, p_propertyGroupId, **kwargs)[source]#

Updates a property group Performs PUT /properties/api/property-groups/{propertyGroupId}

  • p_propertyGroupId (string) – (required in path) propertyGroupId

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /blueprint/api/about

  • createdAt (string) – (optional in body) Created time

  • createdBy (string) – (optional in body) Created by

  • description (string) – (optional in body) Property group description

  • displayName (string) – (optional in body) Property group display name

  • id (string) – (optional in body) Object ID

  • name (string) – (optional in body) Property group name

  • orgId (string) – (optional in body) Org ID

  • projectId (string) – (optional in body) Project ID

  • projectName (string) – (optional in body) Project Name

  • properties (object) – (optional in body) Properties

  • type (string) – (optional in body) Property group type

  • updatedAt (string) – (optional in body) Updated time

  • updatedBy (string) – (optional in body) Updated by