
async idem_vra.exec.vra.cmx.providerrequests.patch_using_patch(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#
Handles unfinished requests Handles unfinished requests that are stopped because of service shutdown or a

service outage. Performs PATCH /cmx/api/requests/blueprint/blueprint-provider-request

  • actionName (string) – (optional in body)

  • id (string) – (optional in body)

  • operation (string) – (optional in body)

  • requestId (string) – (optional in body)

  • resourceType (string) – (optional in body)

async idem_vra.exec.vra.cmx.providerrequests.post_using_post(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#
Handle blueprint resources requests Handles blueprint requests for resource operations - allocation, provisioning,

removal Performs POST /cmx/api/requests/blueprint/blueprint-provider-request

  • actionInputProperties (object) – (optional in body)

  • actionName (string) – (optional in body)

  • allocationResource (object) – (optional in body)

  • callbackUrl (string) – (optional in body)

  • deploymentId (string) – (optional in body)

  • deploymentName (string) – (optional in body)

  • operation (string) – (optional in body)

  • operationTimeoutSeconds (integer) – (optional in body)

  • projectId (string) – (optional in body)

  • requestId (string) – (optional in body)

  • resourceLink (string) – (optional in body)

  • resourceModifiedProperties (object) – (optional in body)

  • resourceName (string) – (optional in body)

  • resourceProperties (object) – (optional in body)

  • resourceRequestId (string) – (optional in body)

  • resourceType (string) – (optional in body)

  • tenantLinks (array) – (optional in body)