
async idem_vra.exec.vra.catalog.catalogsources.delete_using_delete4(hub, ctx, p_sourceId, **kwargs)[source]#

Delete catalog source. Deletes the catalog source with the supplied ID. Performs DELETE /catalog/api/admin/sources/{sourceId}

  • p_sourceId (string) – (required in path) Catalog source ID

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest supported API version.

async idem_vra.exec.vra.catalog.catalogsources.get_page_using_get2(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#

Fetch catalog sources. Returns a paginated list of catalog sources. Performs GET /catalog/api/admin/sources

  • orderby (array) – (optional in query) Sorting criteria in the format: property (asc|desc). Default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported.

  • skip (integer) – (optional in query) Number of records you want to skip

  • top (integer) – (optional in query) Number of records you want

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest supported API version.

  • projectId (string) – (optional in query) Find sources which contains items that can be requested in the given projectId

  • search (string) – (optional in query) Matches will have this string in their name or description.

async idem_vra.exec.vra.catalog.catalogsources.get_using_get2(hub, ctx, p_sourceId, **kwargs)[source]#

Fetch a specific catalog source for the given ID. Returns the catalog source with the supplied ID. Performs GET /catalog/api/admin/sources/{sourceId}

  • p_sourceId (string) – (required in path) Catalog source ID

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest supported API version.

async idem_vra.exec.vra.catalog.catalogsources.post_using_post2(hub, ctx, config, id, name, typeId, **kwargs)[source]#
Create or update a catalog source. Creating or updating also imports (or re-

imports) the associated catalog items. Creates a new catalog source or updates an existing catalog source based on the request body and imports catalog items from it. Performs POST /catalog/api/admin/sources

  • config (object) – (required in body) Source custom configuration

  • id (string) – (required in body) Catalog Source id

  • name (string) – (required in body) Catalog Source name

  • typeId (string) – (required in body) Type of source, e.g. blueprint, CFT… etc

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest supported API version.

  • validationOnly (boolean) – (optional in query) If true, the source will not be created. It returns the number of items belonging to the source. The request will still return an error code if the source is invalid.

  • createdAt (string) – (optional in body) Creation time

  • createdBy (string) – (optional in body) Created By

  • description (string) – (optional in body) Catalog Source description

  • global (boolean) – (optional in body) Global flag indicating that all the items can be requested across all projects.

  • iconId (string) – (optional in body) Default Icon Id

  • itemsFound (integer) – (optional in body) Number of items found

  • itemsImported (integer) – (optional in body) Number of items imported.

  • lastImportCompletedAt (string) – (optional in body) Last import completion time

  • lastImportErrors (array) – (optional in body) Last import error(s)

  • lastImportStartedAt (string) – (optional in body) Last import start time

  • lastUpdatedAt (string) – (optional in body) Update time

  • lastUpdatedBy (string) – (optional in body) Updated By

  • projectId (string) – (optional in body) Project id where the source belongs