
async idem_vra.exec.vra.pipeline.executions.delete_all_executions_using_delete(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#

Delete all Executions Delete executions that match the specified filter. Performs DELETE /codestream/api/executions

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /codestream/api/about

  • Authorization (string) – (optional in header) Bearer token

async idem_vra.exec.vra.pipeline.executions.delete_execution_by_id_using_delete(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs)[source]#

Delete an Execution by id Delete an Execution Performs DELETE /codestream/api/executions/{id}

  • p_id (string) – (required in path) The ID of the Execution

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /codestream/api/about

  • Authorization (string) – (optional in header) Bearer token

async idem_vra.exec.vra.pipeline.executions.get_all_executions_using_get(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#

Get all Executions Get all Executions with specified paging and filter parameters. Performs GET /codestream/api/executions

  • filter (string) – (optional in query) To list with OData like filter

  • orderby (string) – (optional in query) Order by attribute

  • skip (string) – (optional in query) To skip ‘n’ Executions for listing

  • top (string) – (optional in query) To list top ‘n’ Executions for listing

  • page (string) – (optional in query) To select ‘n’th page for listing

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /codestream/api/about

  • Authorization (string) – (optional in header) Bearer token

async idem_vra.exec.vra.pipeline.executions.get_execution_by_id_using_get(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs)[source]#

Get an Execution Get an Execution by id Performs GET /codestream/api/executions/{id}

  • p_id (string) – (required in path) The ID of the Execution

  • queryParams (string) – (optional in query) Value of ‘expand’ type for the execution

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /codestream/api/about

  • Authorization (string) – (optional in header) Bearer token

async idem_vra.exec.vra.pipeline.executions.modify_execution_using_post(hub, ctx, q_action, p_id, **kwargs)[source]#

Act on an Execution Actions supported are pause, resume, cancel and tag Performs POST /codestream/api/executions/{id}

  • q_action (string) – (required in query) Action to perform on the Execution. Can be any of pause, resume, cancel and tag

  • p_id (string) – (required in path) The ID of the Execution

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /codestream/api/about

  • Authorization (string) – (optional in header) Bearer token

  • comments (string) – (optional in body) Comments to update an execution. Existing comments will be replaced by these comments.

  • reason (string) – (optional in body) Reason for performing the action on the given Execution.

  • tags (array) – (optional in body) A set of tag keys and optional values that were set on on the resource.

async idem_vra.exec.vra.pipeline.executions.update_using_post(hub, ctx, ids, status, **kwargs)[source]#

Updates a batch of user operations Approves/ Rejects a set of user operations Performs POST /codestream/api/batch-user-operations

  • ids (array) – (required in body) The list of user-op ids to be batch approved/rejected.

  • status (string) – (required in body) The status of approval requests.

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). For versioning information please refer to /codestream/api/about

  • Authorization (string) – (optional in header) Bearer token

  • responseMessage (string) – (optional in body) The response message which the responder would like to give.