
async idem_vra.states.vra.catalog.policies.present(hub, ctx, name: str, q_dryRun: Any, typeId: Any, **kwargs)[source]#
  • q_dryRun (string) – (required in query)

  • typeId (string) – (required in body) The policy type ID.

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest supported API version.

  • createdAt (string) – (optional in body) Policy creation timestamp.

  • createdBy (string) – (optional in body) Policy author.

  • criteria (Any) – (optional in body)

  • definition (object) – (optional in body) Policy-type-specific settings such as lease limits for lease policies.

  • definitionLegend (object) – (optional in body)

  • description (string) – (optional in body) The policy description.

  • enforcementType (string) – (optional in body) Defines enforcement type for policy. Default enforcement type is HARD.

  • id (string) – (optional in body) The policy ID.

  • lastUpdatedAt (string) – (optional in body) Most recent policy update timestamp.

  • lastUpdatedBy (string) – (optional in body) Most recent policy editor.

  • name (string) – (optional in body) The policy name.

  • orgId (string) – (optional in body) The ID of the organization to which the policy belongs.

  • projectId (string) – (optional in body) For project-scoped policies, the ID of the project to which the policy belongs.

  • scopeCriteria (Any) – (optional in body)

  • statistics (Any) – (optional in body)

async idem_vra.states.vra.catalog.policies.absent(hub, ctx, name: str, **kwargs)[source]#
  • p_id (string) – (required in path) Policy ID

  • apiVersion (string) – (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest supported API version.

async idem_vra.states.vra.catalog.policies.describe(hub, ctx)[source]#
idem_vra.states.vra.catalog.policies.is_pending(hub, ret: dict, state: str = None, **pending_kwargs)[source]#
class idem_vra.states.vra.catalog.policies.PoliciesState(hub, ctx)[source]#

Bases: object

async present(hub, ctx, name: str, q_dryRun: Any, typeId: Any, **kwargs)[source]#
async absent(hub, ctx, name: str, **kwargs)[source]#
async describe(hub, ctx)[source]#
async paginate_find(hub, ctx, **kwargs)[source]#

Paginate through all resources using their ‘find’ method.

is_pending(hub, ret: dict, state: str = None, **pending_kwargs)[source]#

State reconciliation

async remap_resource_structure(hub, ctx, obj: dict) dict[source]#