exec modules#
For an index of all exec and state modules, side-by-side, reference the Module Index.
- abx
- blueprint
- catalog
- catalogadminitems
- catalogentitlements
- catalogitems
- catalogitemtypes
- catalogsources
- deploymentactions
- deployments
- icons
- notificationscenarioconfiguration
- perspectivesync
- policies
- policydecisions
- policytypes
- pricingcardassignments
- pricingcards
- requests
- resourceactions
- resources
- resourcetypes
- userevents
- cmx
- iaas
- about
- certificates
- cloudaccount
- compute
- computegateway
- computenat
- customnaming
- datacollector
- deployment
- disk
- fabricawsvolumetypes
- fabricazurediskencryptionsets
- fabricazurestorageaccount
- fabriccompute
- fabricflavors
- fabricimages
- fabricnetwork
- fabricvspheredatastore
- fabricvspherestoragepolicies
- flavorprofile
- flavors
- folders
- imageprofile
- images
- integration
- loadbalancer
- location
- login
- network
- networkiprange
- networkprofile
- project
- property
- request
- securitygroup
- storageprofile
- tags
- pipeline
- rbac