Source code for idem_vra.exec.vra.cmx.namespaces

from idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api import NamespacesApi
from idem_vra.helpers.mapper import remap_response
from idem_vra.helpers.models import ExecReturn

[docs]async def create_using_post1(hub, ctx, **kwargs): """Create a K8S Namespace Create a K8S Namespace Performs POST /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces :param string authCredentialsLink: (optional in body) :param string clusterId: (optional in body) :param integer createdMillis: (optional in body) :param object customProperties: (optional in body) :param string description: (optional in body) :param string id: (optional in body) :param string installerId: (optional in body) :param string name: (optional in body) :param string orgId: (optional in body) :param string owner: (optional in body) :param string projectId: (optional in body) :param boolean registered: (optional in body) :param boolean shared: (optional in body) :param string status: (optional in body) :param integer updatedMillis: (optional in body) :param string zoneProjectAssignmentId: (optional in body) """ hub.log.debug("POST /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces") api = NamespacesApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) body = {} if "authCredentialsLink" in kwargs: hub.log.debug( f"Got kwarg 'authCredentialsLink' = {kwargs['authCredentialsLink']}" ) body["authCredentialsLink"] = kwargs.get("authCredentialsLink") del kwargs["authCredentialsLink"] if "clusterId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'clusterId' = {kwargs['clusterId']}") body["clusterId"] = kwargs.get("clusterId") del kwargs["clusterId"] if "createdMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'createdMillis' = {kwargs['createdMillis']}") body["createdMillis"] = kwargs.get("createdMillis") del kwargs["createdMillis"] if "customProperties" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'customProperties' = {kwargs['customProperties']}") body["customProperties"] = kwargs.get("customProperties") del kwargs["customProperties"] if "description" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'description' = {kwargs['description']}") body["description"] = kwargs.get("description") del kwargs["description"] if "id" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'id' = {kwargs['id']}") body["id"] = kwargs.get("id") del kwargs["id"] if "installerId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'installerId' = {kwargs['installerId']}") body["installerId"] = kwargs.get("installerId") del kwargs["installerId"] if "name" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'name' = {kwargs['name']}") body["name"] = kwargs.get("name") del kwargs["name"] if "orgId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'orgId' = {kwargs['orgId']}") body["orgId"] = kwargs.get("orgId") del kwargs["orgId"] if "owner" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'owner' = {kwargs['owner']}") body["owner"] = kwargs.get("owner") del kwargs["owner"] if "projectId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'projectId' = {kwargs['projectId']}") body["projectId"] = kwargs.get("projectId") del kwargs["projectId"] if "registered" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'registered' = {kwargs['registered']}") body["registered"] = kwargs.get("registered") del kwargs["registered"] if "shared" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'shared' = {kwargs['shared']}") body["shared"] = kwargs.get("shared") del kwargs["shared"] if "status" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'status' = {kwargs['status']}") body["status"] = kwargs.get("status") del kwargs["status"] if "updatedMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'updatedMillis' = {kwargs['updatedMillis']}") body["updatedMillis"] = kwargs.get("updatedMillis") del kwargs["updatedMillis"] if "zoneProjectAssignmentId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug( f"Got kwarg 'zoneProjectAssignmentId' = {kwargs['zoneProjectAssignmentId']}" ) body["zoneProjectAssignmentId"] = kwargs.get("zoneProjectAssignmentId") del kwargs["zoneProjectAssignmentId"] ret = api.create_using_post1(body, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def delete_using_delete1(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs): """Delete a K8S Namespace Delete a K8S Namespace by id Performs DELETE /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id} :param string p_id: (required in path) id :param boolean destroy: (optional in query) destroy """ hub.log.debug("DELETE /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id}") api = NamespacesApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) ret = api.delete_using_delete1(id=p_id, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_kube_config_using_get1(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs): """Get KubeConfig for a K8S Namespace Get KubeConfig for a K8S Namespace by providing a K8S Namespace id Performs GET /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id}/kube-config :param string p_id: (required in path) id :param boolean ignoreTMC: (optional in query) ignoreTMC """ hub.log.debug("GET /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id}/kube-config") api = NamespacesApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) ret = api.get_kube_config_using_get1(id=p_id, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_using_get2(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs): """Get a K8S Namespace by id Get a K8S Namespace by id Performs GET /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id} :param string p_id: (required in path) id """ hub.log.debug("GET /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id}") api = NamespacesApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) ret = api.get_using_get2(id=p_id, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def list_using_get2(hub, ctx, **kwargs): """Get All K8S Namespaces Get a list of all K8S Namespaces Performs GET /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces :param string id: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.MCGlobal: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.MCLinkLocal: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.MCNodeLocal: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.MCOrgLocal: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.MCSiteLocal: (optional in query) :param string localAddress.address.address: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.anyLocalAddress: (optional in query) :param string localAddress.address.canonicalHostName: (optional in query) :param string localAddress.address.hostAddress: (optional in query) :param string localAddress.address.hostName: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.linkLocalAddress: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.loopbackAddress: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.multicastAddress: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.address.siteLocalAddress: (optional in query) :param string localAddress.hostName: (optional in query) :param string localAddress.hostString: (optional in query) :param integer localAddress.port: (optional in query) :param boolean localAddress.unresolved: (optional in query) :param integer offset: (optional in query) :param integer pageNumber: (optional in query) :param integer pageSize: (optional in query) :param boolean paged: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCGlobal: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCLinkLocal: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCNodeLocal: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCOrgLocal: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCSiteLocal: (optional in query) :param string remoteAddress.address.address: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.anyLocalAddress: (optional in query) :param string remoteAddress.address.canonicalHostName: (optional in query) :param string remoteAddress.address.hostAddress: (optional in query) :param string remoteAddress.address.hostName: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.linkLocalAddress: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.loopbackAddress: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.multicastAddress: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.address.siteLocalAddress: (optional in query) :param string remoteAddress.hostName: (optional in query) :param string remoteAddress.hostString: (optional in query) :param integer remoteAddress.port: (optional in query) :param boolean remoteAddress.unresolved: (optional in query) :param boolean sort.sorted: (optional in query) :param boolean sort.unsorted: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].TBSCertificate: (optional in query) :param integer sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].basicConstraints: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].encoded: (optional in query) :param array sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].extendedKeyUsage: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0] (optional in query) :param array sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].issuerUniqueID: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].issuerX500Principal.encoded: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0] (optional in query) :param array sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].keyUsage: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].notAfter: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].notBefore: (optional in query) :param integer sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].serialNumber: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].sigAlgName: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].sigAlgOID: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].sigAlgParams: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].signature: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0] (optional in query) :param array sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].subjectUniqueID: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].subjectX500Principal.encoded: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0] (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].type: (optional in query) :param integer sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].version: (optional in query) :param string sslInfo.sessionId: (optional in query) :param boolean unpaged: (optional in query) """ hub.log.debug("GET /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces") api = NamespacesApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) ret = api.list_using_get2(**kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def register_using_put(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs): """Onboard existing K8S Namespace Onboard existing K8S Namespace by providing namespace id and entity Performs PUT /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id}/register :param string p_id: (required in path) id :param string authCredentialsLink: (optional in body) :param string clusterId: (optional in body) :param integer createdMillis: (optional in body) :param object customProperties: (optional in body) :param string description: (optional in body) :param string id: (optional in body) :param string installerId: (optional in body) :param string name: (optional in body) :param string orgId: (optional in body) :param string owner: (optional in body) :param string projectId: (optional in body) :param boolean registered: (optional in body) :param boolean shared: (optional in body) :param string status: (optional in body) :param integer updatedMillis: (optional in body) :param string zoneProjectAssignmentId: (optional in body) """ hub.log.debug("PUT /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id}/register") api = NamespacesApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) body = {} if "authCredentialsLink" in kwargs: hub.log.debug( f"Got kwarg 'authCredentialsLink' = {kwargs['authCredentialsLink']}" ) body["authCredentialsLink"] = kwargs.get("authCredentialsLink") del kwargs["authCredentialsLink"] if "clusterId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'clusterId' = {kwargs['clusterId']}") body["clusterId"] = kwargs.get("clusterId") del kwargs["clusterId"] if "createdMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'createdMillis' = {kwargs['createdMillis']}") body["createdMillis"] = kwargs.get("createdMillis") del kwargs["createdMillis"] if "customProperties" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'customProperties' = {kwargs['customProperties']}") body["customProperties"] = kwargs.get("customProperties") del kwargs["customProperties"] if "description" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'description' = {kwargs['description']}") body["description"] = kwargs.get("description") del kwargs["description"] if "id" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'id' = {kwargs['id']}") body["id"] = kwargs.get("id") del kwargs["id"] if "installerId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'installerId' = {kwargs['installerId']}") body["installerId"] = kwargs.get("installerId") del kwargs["installerId"] if "name" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'name' = {kwargs['name']}") body["name"] = kwargs.get("name") del kwargs["name"] if "orgId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'orgId' = {kwargs['orgId']}") body["orgId"] = kwargs.get("orgId") del kwargs["orgId"] if "owner" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'owner' = {kwargs['owner']}") body["owner"] = kwargs.get("owner") del kwargs["owner"] if "projectId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'projectId' = {kwargs['projectId']}") body["projectId"] = kwargs.get("projectId") del kwargs["projectId"] if "registered" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'registered' = {kwargs['registered']}") body["registered"] = kwargs.get("registered") del kwargs["registered"] if "shared" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'shared' = {kwargs['shared']}") body["shared"] = kwargs.get("shared") del kwargs["shared"] if "status" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'status' = {kwargs['status']}") body["status"] = kwargs.get("status") del kwargs["status"] if "updatedMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'updatedMillis' = {kwargs['updatedMillis']}") body["updatedMillis"] = kwargs.get("updatedMillis") del kwargs["updatedMillis"] if "zoneProjectAssignmentId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug( f"Got kwarg 'zoneProjectAssignmentId' = {kwargs['zoneProjectAssignmentId']}" ) body["zoneProjectAssignmentId"] = kwargs.get("zoneProjectAssignmentId") del kwargs["zoneProjectAssignmentId"] ret = api.register_using_put(body, id=p_id, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def update_using_put2(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs): """Update a K8S Namespace description or project Update a K8S Namespace description or project by providing namespace id and Namespace entity Performs PUT /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id} :param string p_id: (required in path) id :param string authCredentialsLink: (optional in body) :param string clusterId: (optional in body) :param integer createdMillis: (optional in body) :param object customProperties: (optional in body) :param string description: (optional in body) :param string id: (optional in body) :param string installerId: (optional in body) :param string name: (optional in body) :param string orgId: (optional in body) :param string owner: (optional in body) :param string projectId: (optional in body) :param boolean registered: (optional in body) :param boolean shared: (optional in body) :param string status: (optional in body) :param integer updatedMillis: (optional in body) :param string zoneProjectAssignmentId: (optional in body) """ hub.log.debug("PUT /cmx/api/resources/k8s/namespaces/{id}") api = NamespacesApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) body = {} if "authCredentialsLink" in kwargs: hub.log.debug( f"Got kwarg 'authCredentialsLink' = {kwargs['authCredentialsLink']}" ) body["authCredentialsLink"] = kwargs.get("authCredentialsLink") del kwargs["authCredentialsLink"] if "clusterId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'clusterId' = {kwargs['clusterId']}") body["clusterId"] = kwargs.get("clusterId") del kwargs["clusterId"] if "createdMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'createdMillis' = {kwargs['createdMillis']}") body["createdMillis"] = kwargs.get("createdMillis") del kwargs["createdMillis"] if "customProperties" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'customProperties' = {kwargs['customProperties']}") body["customProperties"] = kwargs.get("customProperties") del kwargs["customProperties"] if "description" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'description' = {kwargs['description']}") body["description"] = kwargs.get("description") del kwargs["description"] if "id" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'id' = {kwargs['id']}") body["id"] = kwargs.get("id") del kwargs["id"] if "installerId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'installerId' = {kwargs['installerId']}") body["installerId"] = kwargs.get("installerId") del kwargs["installerId"] if "name" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'name' = {kwargs['name']}") body["name"] = kwargs.get("name") del kwargs["name"] if "orgId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'orgId' = {kwargs['orgId']}") body["orgId"] = kwargs.get("orgId") del kwargs["orgId"] if "owner" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'owner' = {kwargs['owner']}") body["owner"] = kwargs.get("owner") del kwargs["owner"] if "projectId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'projectId' = {kwargs['projectId']}") body["projectId"] = kwargs.get("projectId") del kwargs["projectId"] if "registered" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'registered' = {kwargs['registered']}") body["registered"] = kwargs.get("registered") del kwargs["registered"] if "shared" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'shared' = {kwargs['shared']}") body["shared"] = kwargs.get("shared") del kwargs["shared"] if "status" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'status' = {kwargs['status']}") body["status"] = kwargs.get("status") del kwargs["status"] if "updatedMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'updatedMillis' = {kwargs['updatedMillis']}") body["updatedMillis"] = kwargs.get("updatedMillis") del kwargs["updatedMillis"] if "zoneProjectAssignmentId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug( f"Got kwarg 'zoneProjectAssignmentId' = {kwargs['zoneProjectAssignmentId']}" ) body["zoneProjectAssignmentId"] = kwargs.get("zoneProjectAssignmentId") del kwargs["zoneProjectAssignmentId"] ret = api.update_using_put2(body, id=p_id, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))