Source code for idem_vra.exec.vra.cmx.clusterplans

from idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api import ClusterPlansApi
from idem_vra.helpers.mapper import remap_response
from idem_vra.helpers.models import ExecReturn

[docs]async def create_using_post(hub, ctx, **kwargs): """Create a cluster plan The body shall contain a cluster plan entity. Performs POST /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans :param string cloudAccountSelfLinkId: (optional in body) :param integer createdMillis: (optional in body) :param object definition: (optional in body) The definition varies depending on the type of cluster plan. Example shown below is for cluster plans of type TANZU_CLUSTER_PLAN. In that case the definition is equivalent to the spec of a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster in JSON format. Here is a documentation tanzu/GUID-B1034373-8C38-4FE2-9517-345BF7271A1E.html example: {"spec":{"distribution":{"version":"1.20"},"topology":{"contr olPlane":{"count":1,"class":"best-effort-xsmall","storageClass":"vsan- default-storage-policy"},"workers":{"count":1,"class":"best-effort- xsmall","storageClass":"vsan-default-storage- policy"}},"settings":{"storage":{"defaultClass":"","classes":[]}}}} :param string description: (optional in body) :param string id: (optional in body) :param string name: (optional in body) :param string orgId: (optional in body) :param string type: (optional in body) :param integer updatedMillis: (optional in body) """ hub.log.debug("POST /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans") api = ClusterPlansApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) body = {} if "cloudAccountSelfLinkId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug( f"Got kwarg 'cloudAccountSelfLinkId' = {kwargs['cloudAccountSelfLinkId']}" ) body["cloudAccountSelfLinkId"] = kwargs.get("cloudAccountSelfLinkId") del kwargs["cloudAccountSelfLinkId"] if "createdMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'createdMillis' = {kwargs['createdMillis']}") body["createdMillis"] = kwargs.get("createdMillis") del kwargs["createdMillis"] if "definition" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'definition' = {kwargs['definition']}") body["definition"] = kwargs.get("definition") del kwargs["definition"] if "description" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'description' = {kwargs['description']}") body["description"] = kwargs.get("description") del kwargs["description"] if "id" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'id' = {kwargs['id']}") body["id"] = kwargs.get("id") del kwargs["id"] if "name" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'name' = {kwargs['name']}") body["name"] = kwargs.get("name") del kwargs["name"] if "orgId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'orgId' = {kwargs['orgId']}") body["orgId"] = kwargs.get("orgId") del kwargs["orgId"] if "type" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'type' = {kwargs['type']}") body["type"] = kwargs.get("type") del kwargs["type"] if "updatedMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'updatedMillis' = {kwargs['updatedMillis']}") body["updatedMillis"] = kwargs.get("updatedMillis") del kwargs["updatedMillis"] ret = api.create_using_post(body, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def delete_using_delete(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs): """Delete a Cluster Plan by Id Delete a Cluster Plan identified by id string Performs DELETE /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans/{id} :param string p_id: (required in path) id """ hub.log.debug("DELETE /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans/{id}") api = ClusterPlansApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) ret = api.delete_using_delete(id=p_id, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_using_get(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs): """Get a Cluster Plan by Id Get a Cluster Plan by Id Performs GET /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans/{id} :param string p_id: (required in path) id """ hub.log.debug("GET /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans/{id}") api = ClusterPlansApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) ret = api.get_using_get(id=p_id, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def search_cluster_plan_aggregations_using_get(hub, ctx, q_groupBy, **kwargs): """Search for cluster plan aggregations Search for cluster plan aggregations by name and cloud account document self link id. Performs GET /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans/aggregation :param string q_groupBy: (required in query) groupBy :param integer offset: (optional in query) :param integer pageNumber: (optional in query) :param integer pageSize: (optional in query) :param boolean paged: (optional in query) :param boolean sort.sorted: (optional in query) :param boolean sort.unsorted: (optional in query) :param boolean unpaged: (optional in query) :param string cloudAccountSelfLinkId: (optional in query) cloudAccountSelfLinkId :param string name: (optional in query) name """ hub.log.debug("GET /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans/aggregation") api = ClusterPlansApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) ret = api.search_cluster_plan_aggregations_using_get(group_by=q_groupBy, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def search_cluster_plans_using_get(hub, ctx, **kwargs): """Search a cluster plan instance Search a cluster plan by name and cloud account document self link id. Performs GET /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans :param integer offset: (optional in query) :param integer pageNumber: (optional in query) :param integer pageSize: (optional in query) :param boolean paged: (optional in query) :param boolean sort.sorted: (optional in query) :param boolean sort.unsorted: (optional in query) :param boolean unpaged: (optional in query) :param string cloudAccountSelfLinkId: (optional in query) cloudAccountSelfLinkId :param string name: (optional in query) name """ hub.log.debug("GET /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans") api = ClusterPlansApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) ret = api.search_cluster_plans_using_get(**kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def update_using_put(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs): """Update a cluster plan The body shall contains the cluster plan mutation entity. Performs PUT /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans/{id} :param string p_id: (required in path) id :param string cloudAccountSelfLinkId: (optional in body) :param integer createdMillis: (optional in body) :param object definition: (optional in body) The definition varies depending on the type of cluster plan. Example shown below is for cluster plans of type TANZU_CLUSTER_PLAN. In that case the definition is equivalent to the spec of a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster in JSON format. Here is a documentation tanzu/GUID-B1034373-8C38-4FE2-9517-345BF7271A1E.html example: {"spec":{"distribution":{"version":"1.20"},"topology":{"contr olPlane":{"count":1,"class":"best-effort-xsmall","storageClass":"vsan- default-storage-policy"},"workers":{"count":1,"class":"best-effort- xsmall","storageClass":"vsan-default-storage- policy"}},"settings":{"storage":{"defaultClass":"","classes":[]}}}} :param string description: (optional in body) :param string id: (optional in body) :param string name: (optional in body) :param string orgId: (optional in body) :param string type: (optional in body) :param integer updatedMillis: (optional in body) """ hub.log.debug("PUT /cmx/api/resources/cluster-plans/{id}") api = ClusterPlansApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_cmx_lib.api"]) body = {} if "cloudAccountSelfLinkId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug( f"Got kwarg 'cloudAccountSelfLinkId' = {kwargs['cloudAccountSelfLinkId']}" ) body["cloudAccountSelfLinkId"] = kwargs.get("cloudAccountSelfLinkId") del kwargs["cloudAccountSelfLinkId"] if "createdMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'createdMillis' = {kwargs['createdMillis']}") body["createdMillis"] = kwargs.get("createdMillis") del kwargs["createdMillis"] if "definition" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'definition' = {kwargs['definition']}") body["definition"] = kwargs.get("definition") del kwargs["definition"] if "description" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'description' = {kwargs['description']}") body["description"] = kwargs.get("description") del kwargs["description"] if "id" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'id' = {kwargs['id']}") body["id"] = kwargs.get("id") del kwargs["id"] if "name" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'name' = {kwargs['name']}") body["name"] = kwargs.get("name") del kwargs["name"] if "orgId" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'orgId' = {kwargs['orgId']}") body["orgId"] = kwargs.get("orgId") del kwargs["orgId"] if "type" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'type' = {kwargs['type']}") body["type"] = kwargs.get("type") del kwargs["type"] if "updatedMillis" in kwargs: hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'updatedMillis' = {kwargs['updatedMillis']}") body["updatedMillis"] = kwargs.get("updatedMillis") del kwargs["updatedMillis"] ret = api.update_using_put(body, id=p_id, **kwargs) # hub.log.debug(ret) return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))