from idem_vra.client.vra_catalog_lib.api import CatalogItemsApi
from idem_vra.helpers.mapper import remap_response
from idem_vra.helpers.models import ExecReturn
[docs]async def get_catalog_item_using_get5(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs):
"""Find a catalog item with specified ID. Returns the catalog item with the specified ID. Performs GET /catalog/api/items/{id}
:param string p_id: (required in path) Catalog item ID
:param string apiVersion: (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not
specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest
supported API version.
:param boolean expandProjects: (optional in query) Retrieves the 'projects' field of the catalog item
hub.log.debug("GET /catalog/api/items/{id}")
api = CatalogItemsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_catalog_lib.api"])
if "api_version" not in kwargs:
kwargs["api_version"] = "2020-08-25"
ret = api.get_catalog_item_using_get5(id=p_id, **kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_catalog_items_using_get5(hub, ctx, **kwargs):
"""Fetch a list of catalog items. Returns a paginated list of catalog items. Performs GET /catalog/api/items
:param array orderby: (optional in query) Sorting criteria in the format: property (asc|desc). Default sort
order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria are supported.
:param integer skip: (optional in query) Number of records you want to skip
:param integer top: (optional in query) Number of records you want
:param string apiVersion: (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not
specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest
supported API version.
:param boolean expandProjects: (optional in query) Whether or not to return detailed project data for each result.
:param array projects: (optional in query) A list of project IDs. Results will belong to one of these projects.
:param string search: (optional in query) Matches will have this string somewhere in their name or description.
:param array types: (optional in query) A list of Catalog Item Type IDs. Results will be one of these types.
hub.log.debug("GET /catalog/api/items")
api = CatalogItemsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_catalog_lib.api"])
if "api_version" not in kwargs:
kwargs["api_version"] = "2020-08-25"
ret = api.get_catalog_items_using_get5(**kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_upfront_price_response_for_catalog_item_using_get2(
hub, ctx, p_id, p_upfrontPriceId, **kwargs
"""Get a response with upfront prices for a given catalog item. Returns upfront prices of a given catalog item. Performs GET /catalog/api/items/{id}/upfront-prices/{upfrontPriceId}
:param string p_id: (required in path) Catalog Item ID
:param string p_upfrontPriceId: (required in path) Upfront Price Request ID
:param string apiVersion: (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not
specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest
supported API version.
hub.log.debug("GET /catalog/api/items/{id}/upfront-prices/{upfrontPriceId}")
api = CatalogItemsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_catalog_lib.api"])
if "api_version" not in kwargs:
kwargs["api_version"] = "2020-08-25"
ret = api.get_upfront_price_response_for_catalog_item_using_get2(
id=p_id, upfront_price_id=p_upfrontPriceId, **kwargs
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_version_by_id_using_get2(hub, ctx, p_id, p_versionId, **kwargs):
"""Fetch detailed catalog item version. Returns a detailed catalog item version. Performs GET /catalog/api/items/{id}/versions/{versionId}
:param string p_id: (required in path) Catalog Item ID
:param string p_versionId: (required in path) Catalog Item Version ID
:param string apiVersion: (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not
specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest
supported API version.
hub.log.debug("GET /catalog/api/items/{id}/versions/{versionId}")
api = CatalogItemsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_catalog_lib.api"])
if "api_version" not in kwargs:
kwargs["api_version"] = "2020-08-25"
ret = api.get_version_by_id_using_get2(id=p_id, version_id=p_versionId, **kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_versions_using_get2(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs):
"""Fetch a list of catalog items with versions. Returns a paginated list of catalog item versions. Performs GET /catalog/api/items/{id}/versions
:param string p_id: (required in path) Catalog Item ID
:param string apiVersion: (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not
specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest
supported API version.
:param integer page: (optional in query) Results page you want to retrieve (0..N)
:param integer size: (optional in query) Number of records per page.
hub.log.debug("GET /catalog/api/items/{id}/versions")
api = CatalogItemsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_catalog_lib.api"])
if "api_version" not in kwargs:
kwargs["api_version"] = "2020-08-25"
ret = api.get_versions_using_get2(id=p_id, **kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def request_catalog_item_instances_using_post1(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs):
"""Create deployments. Creates deployments from a catalog item. Performs POST /catalog/api/items/{id}/request
:param string p_id: (required in path) Catalog item ID
:param string apiVersion: (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not
specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest
supported API version.
:param integer bulkRequestCount: (optional in body) Deployment request count; defaults to 1 if not specified.
:param string deploymentName: (optional in body) Name of the requested deployment
:param object inputs: (optional in body) Input parameters for the request. These must be compliant with the
schema of the corresponding catalog item
:param string projectId: (optional in body) Project to be used for the request
:param string reason: (optional in body) Reason for request
:param string version: (optional in body) Version of the catalog item. e.g. v2.0
hub.log.debug("POST /catalog/api/items/{id}/request")
api = CatalogItemsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_catalog_lib.api"])
if "api_version" not in kwargs:
kwargs["api_version"] = "2020-08-25"
body = {}
if "bulkRequestCount" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'bulkRequestCount' = {kwargs['bulkRequestCount']}")
body["bulkRequestCount"] = kwargs.get("bulkRequestCount")
del kwargs["bulkRequestCount"]
if "deploymentName" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'deploymentName' = {kwargs['deploymentName']}")
body["deploymentName"] = kwargs.get("deploymentName")
del kwargs["deploymentName"]
if "inputs" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'inputs' = {kwargs['inputs']}")
body["inputs"] = kwargs.get("inputs")
del kwargs["inputs"]
if "projectId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'projectId' = {kwargs['projectId']}")
body["projectId"] = kwargs.get("projectId")
del kwargs["projectId"]
if "reason" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'reason' = {kwargs['reason']}")
body["reason"] = kwargs.get("reason")
del kwargs["reason"]
if "version" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'version' = {kwargs['version']}")
body["version"] = kwargs.get("version")
del kwargs["version"]
ret = api.request_catalog_item_instances_using_post1(body, id=p_id, **kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def submit_upfront_price_request_for_catalog_item_using_post2(
hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs
"""Create a request to calculate upfront price for a given catalog item. Returns upfront price response for a given catalog item. Performs POST /catalog/api/items/{id}/upfront-prices
:param string p_id: (required in path) Catalog Item ID
:param string apiVersion: (optional in query) The version of the API in yyyy-MM-dd format (UTC). If you do not
specify explicitly an exact version, you will be calling the latest
supported API version.
:param integer bulkRequestCount: (optional in body) Deployment request count; defaults to 1 if not specified.
:param string deploymentName: (optional in body) Name of the requested deployment
:param object inputs: (optional in body) Input parameters for the request. These must be compliant with the
schema of the corresponding catalog item
:param string projectId: (optional in body) Project to be used for the request
:param string reason: (optional in body) Reason for request
:param string version: (optional in body) Version of the catalog item. e.g. v2.0
hub.log.debug("POST /catalog/api/items/{id}/upfront-prices")
api = CatalogItemsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_catalog_lib.api"])
if "api_version" not in kwargs:
kwargs["api_version"] = "2020-08-25"
body = {}
if "bulkRequestCount" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'bulkRequestCount' = {kwargs['bulkRequestCount']}")
body["bulkRequestCount"] = kwargs.get("bulkRequestCount")
del kwargs["bulkRequestCount"]
if "deploymentName" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'deploymentName' = {kwargs['deploymentName']}")
body["deploymentName"] = kwargs.get("deploymentName")
del kwargs["deploymentName"]
if "inputs" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'inputs' = {kwargs['inputs']}")
body["inputs"] = kwargs.get("inputs")
del kwargs["inputs"]
if "projectId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'projectId' = {kwargs['projectId']}")
body["projectId"] = kwargs.get("projectId")
del kwargs["projectId"]
if "reason" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'reason' = {kwargs['reason']}")
body["reason"] = kwargs.get("reason")
del kwargs["reason"]
if "version" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'version' = {kwargs['version']}")
body["version"] = kwargs.get("version")
del kwargs["version"]
ret = api.submit_upfront_price_request_for_catalog_item_using_post2(
body, id=p_id, **kwargs
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))