from idem_vra.client.vra_abx_lib.api import ActionRunsApi
from idem_vra.helpers.mapper import remap_response
from idem_vra.helpers.models import ExecReturn
[docs]async def cancel_action_run_using_patch(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs):
"""Cancel an action run Cancels an action run which is currently being executed Performs PATCH /abx/api/resources/action-runs/{id}/cancel
:param string p_id: (required in path) ID of the action run
:param string actionId: (optional in body) ID of the action
:param string actionType: (optional in body) Type of the action
:param string actionVersionId: (optional in body) ID of the action version used for the execution
:param string actionVersionName: (optional in body) Name of the action version used for the execution
:param object configuration: (optional in body) Configuration of the action run for specific providers
:param integer createdMillis: (optional in body) Creation time in millis
:param integer endTimeMillis: (optional in body) Completion time in millis
:param string errorMessage: (optional in body) Error message in case the run completed with an error
:param string id: (optional in body) ID of the resource
:param object inputs: (optional in body) Input parameters of the action
:param string logs: (optional in body) Action run logs
:param string name: (optional in body) Name of the resource
:param string orgId: (optional in body) Org ID of the resource
:param object outputs: (optional in body) Output parameters generated by the action
:param string projectId: (optional in body) Project Id of the action (required for non-system actions)
:param string provider: (optional in body) Provider used for code execution
:param string runProjectId: (optional in body) Project Id where the project will be executed (required for non-system
:param string runState: (optional in body) State of the action run
:param string runtime: (optional in body) Runtime of the action run (python, nodejs, etc...)
:param boolean scalable: (optional in body)
:param string source: (optional in body) Source used for the execution
:param integer startTimeMillis: (optional in body) Start time in millis
:param boolean system: (optional in body)
:param integer timeoutSeconds: (optional in body) Timeout in seconds for execution
:param string triggeredBy: (optional in body) The user who triggered the action run
hub.log.debug("PATCH /abx/api/resources/action-runs/{id}/cancel")
api = ActionRunsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_abx_lib.api"])
body = {}
if "actionId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'actionId' = {kwargs['actionId']}")
body["actionId"] = kwargs.get("actionId")
del kwargs["actionId"]
if "actionType" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'actionType' = {kwargs['actionType']}")
body["actionType"] = kwargs.get("actionType")
del kwargs["actionType"]
if "actionVersionId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'actionVersionId' = {kwargs['actionVersionId']}")
body["actionVersionId"] = kwargs.get("actionVersionId")
del kwargs["actionVersionId"]
if "actionVersionName" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'actionVersionName' = {kwargs['actionVersionName']}")
body["actionVersionName"] = kwargs.get("actionVersionName")
del kwargs["actionVersionName"]
if "configuration" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'configuration' = {kwargs['configuration']}")
body["configuration"] = kwargs.get("configuration")
del kwargs["configuration"]
if "createdMillis" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'createdMillis' = {kwargs['createdMillis']}")
body["createdMillis"] = kwargs.get("createdMillis")
del kwargs["createdMillis"]
if "endTimeMillis" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'endTimeMillis' = {kwargs['endTimeMillis']}")
body["endTimeMillis"] = kwargs.get("endTimeMillis")
del kwargs["endTimeMillis"]
if "errorMessage" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'errorMessage' = {kwargs['errorMessage']}")
body["errorMessage"] = kwargs.get("errorMessage")
del kwargs["errorMessage"]
if "id" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'id' = {kwargs['id']}")
body["id"] = kwargs.get("id")
del kwargs["id"]
if "inputs" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'inputs' = {kwargs['inputs']}")
body["inputs"] = kwargs.get("inputs")
del kwargs["inputs"]
if "logs" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'logs' = {kwargs['logs']}")
body["logs"] = kwargs.get("logs")
del kwargs["logs"]
if "name" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'name' = {kwargs['name']}")
body["name"] = kwargs.get("name")
del kwargs["name"]
if "orgId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'orgId' = {kwargs['orgId']}")
body["orgId"] = kwargs.get("orgId")
del kwargs["orgId"]
if "outputs" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'outputs' = {kwargs['outputs']}")
body["outputs"] = kwargs.get("outputs")
del kwargs["outputs"]
if "projectId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'projectId' = {kwargs['projectId']}")
body["projectId"] = kwargs.get("projectId")
del kwargs["projectId"]
if "provider" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'provider' = {kwargs['provider']}")
body["provider"] = kwargs.get("provider")
del kwargs["provider"]
if "runProjectId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'runProjectId' = {kwargs['runProjectId']}")
body["runProjectId"] = kwargs.get("runProjectId")
del kwargs["runProjectId"]
if "runState" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'runState' = {kwargs['runState']}")
body["runState"] = kwargs.get("runState")
del kwargs["runState"]
if "runtime" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'runtime' = {kwargs['runtime']}")
body["runtime"] = kwargs.get("runtime")
del kwargs["runtime"]
if "scalable" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'scalable' = {kwargs['scalable']}")
body["scalable"] = kwargs.get("scalable")
del kwargs["scalable"]
if "source" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'source' = {kwargs['source']}")
body["source"] = kwargs.get("source")
del kwargs["source"]
if "startTimeMillis" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'startTimeMillis' = {kwargs['startTimeMillis']}")
body["startTimeMillis"] = kwargs.get("startTimeMillis")
del kwargs["startTimeMillis"]
if "system" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'system' = {kwargs['system']}")
body["system"] = kwargs.get("system")
del kwargs["system"]
if "timeoutSeconds" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'timeoutSeconds' = {kwargs['timeoutSeconds']}")
body["timeoutSeconds"] = kwargs.get("timeoutSeconds")
del kwargs["timeoutSeconds"]
if "triggeredBy" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'triggeredBy' = {kwargs['triggeredBy']}")
body["triggeredBy"] = kwargs.get("triggeredBy")
del kwargs["triggeredBy"]
ret = api.cancel_action_run_using_patch(body, id=p_id, **kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def delete_using_delete2(hub, ctx, **kwargs):
"""Delete multiple action runs Deletes multiple action runs with their specific ID Performs DELETE /abx/api/resources/action-runs"""
hub.log.debug("DELETE /abx/api/resources/action-runs")
api = ActionRunsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_abx_lib.api"])
ret = api.delete_using_delete2(**kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def delete_using_delete3(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs):
"""Delete an action run Deletes an action run with a specific ID Performs DELETE /abx/api/resources/action-runs/{id}
:param string p_id: (required in path) ID of the action run
hub.log.debug("DELETE /abx/api/resources/action-runs/{id}")
api = ActionRunsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_abx_lib.api"])
ret = api.delete_using_delete3(id=p_id, **kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_action_runs_by_action_id_using_get(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs):
"""Fetch all action runs of an action Retrieves all action runs of an action Performs GET /abx/api/resources/actions/{id}/action-runs
:param string p_id: (required in path) ID of the action
:param string page: (optional in query) Page to fetch (starting from 0)
:param string size: (optional in query) Amount of entities per page
hub.log.debug("GET /abx/api/resources/actions/{id}/action-runs")
api = ActionRunsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_abx_lib.api"])
ret = api.get_action_runs_by_action_id_using_get(id=p_id, **kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_all_using_get1(hub, ctx, **kwargs):
"""Fetch all action runs Retrieves all action run entities Performs GET /abx/api/resources/action-runs
:param string page: (optional in query) Page to fetch (starting from 0)
:param string size: (optional in query) Amount of entities per page
:param string id: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.MCGlobal: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.MCLinkLocal: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.MCNodeLocal: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.MCOrgLocal: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.MCSiteLocal: (optional in query)
:param string localAddress.address.address: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.anyLocalAddress: (optional in query)
:param string localAddress.address.canonicalHostName: (optional in query)
:param string localAddress.address.hostAddress: (optional in query)
:param string localAddress.address.hostName: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.linkLocalAddress: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.loopbackAddress: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.multicastAddress: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.address.siteLocalAddress: (optional in query)
:param string localAddress.hostName: (optional in query)
:param string localAddress.hostString: (optional in query)
:param integer localAddress.port: (optional in query)
:param boolean localAddress.unresolved: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCGlobal: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCLinkLocal: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCNodeLocal: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCOrgLocal: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.MCSiteLocal: (optional in query)
:param string remoteAddress.address.address: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.anyLocalAddress: (optional in query)
:param string remoteAddress.address.canonicalHostName: (optional in query)
:param string remoteAddress.address.hostAddress: (optional in query)
:param string remoteAddress.address.hostName: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.linkLocalAddress: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.loopbackAddress: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.multicastAddress: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.address.siteLocalAddress: (optional in query)
:param string remoteAddress.hostName: (optional in query)
:param string remoteAddress.hostString: (optional in query)
:param integer remoteAddress.port: (optional in query)
:param boolean remoteAddress.unresolved: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].TBSCertificate: (optional in query)
:param integer sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].basicConstraints: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].encoded: (optional in query)
:param array sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].extendedKeyUsage: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0] (optional in query)
:param array sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].issuerUniqueID: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].issuerX500Principal.encoded: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0] (optional in query)
:param array sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].keyUsage: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].notAfter: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].notBefore: (optional in query)
:param integer sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].serialNumber: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].sigAlgName: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].sigAlgOID: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].sigAlgParams: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].signature: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0] (optional in query)
:param array sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].subjectUniqueID: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].subjectX500Principal.encoded: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0] (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].type: (optional in query)
:param integer sslInfo.peerCertificates[0].version: (optional in query)
:param string sslInfo.sessionId: (optional in query)
hub.log.debug("GET /abx/api/resources/action-runs")
api = ActionRunsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_abx_lib.api"])
ret = api.get_all_using_get1(**kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def get_by_id_using_get1(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs):
"""Fetch an action run by its ID Retrieves an action run entity with a specific ID Performs GET /abx/api/resources/action-runs/{id}
:param string p_id: (required in path) ID of the action run
hub.log.debug("GET /abx/api/resources/action-runs/{id}")
api = ActionRunsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_abx_lib.api"])
ret = api.get_by_id_using_get1(id=p_id, **kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))
[docs]async def run_using_post(hub, ctx, p_id, **kwargs):
"""Trigger an action run Runs the specified action taking into consideration the supplied configuration Performs POST /abx/api/resources/actions/{id}/action-runs
:param string p_id: (required in path) ID of the action
:param string actionId: (optional in body) ID of the action
:param string actionType: (optional in body) Type of the action
:param string actionVersionId: (optional in body) ID of the action version used for the execution
:param string actionVersionName: (optional in body) Name of the action version used for the execution
:param object configuration: (optional in body) Configuration of the action run for specific providers
:param integer createdMillis: (optional in body) Creation time in millis
:param integer endTimeMillis: (optional in body) Completion time in millis
:param string errorMessage: (optional in body) Error message in case the run completed with an error
:param string id: (optional in body) ID of the resource
:param object inputs: (optional in body) Input parameters of the action
:param string logs: (optional in body) Action run logs
:param string name: (optional in body) Name of the resource
:param string orgId: (optional in body) Org ID of the resource
:param object outputs: (optional in body) Output parameters generated by the action
:param string projectId: (optional in body) Project Id of the action (required for non-system actions)
:param string provider: (optional in body) Provider used for code execution
:param string runProjectId: (optional in body) Project Id where the project will be executed (required for non-system
:param string runState: (optional in body) State of the action run
:param string runtime: (optional in body) Runtime of the action run (python, nodejs, etc...)
:param boolean scalable: (optional in body)
:param string source: (optional in body) Source used for the execution
:param integer startTimeMillis: (optional in body) Start time in millis
:param boolean system: (optional in body)
:param integer timeoutSeconds: (optional in body) Timeout in seconds for execution
:param string triggeredBy: (optional in body) The user who triggered the action run
hub.log.debug("POST /abx/api/resources/actions/{id}/action-runs")
api = ActionRunsApi(hub.clients["idem_vra.client.vra_abx_lib.api"])
body = {}
if "actionId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'actionId' = {kwargs['actionId']}")
body["actionId"] = kwargs.get("actionId")
del kwargs["actionId"]
if "actionType" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'actionType' = {kwargs['actionType']}")
body["actionType"] = kwargs.get("actionType")
del kwargs["actionType"]
if "actionVersionId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'actionVersionId' = {kwargs['actionVersionId']}")
body["actionVersionId"] = kwargs.get("actionVersionId")
del kwargs["actionVersionId"]
if "actionVersionName" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'actionVersionName' = {kwargs['actionVersionName']}")
body["actionVersionName"] = kwargs.get("actionVersionName")
del kwargs["actionVersionName"]
if "configuration" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'configuration' = {kwargs['configuration']}")
body["configuration"] = kwargs.get("configuration")
del kwargs["configuration"]
if "createdMillis" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'createdMillis' = {kwargs['createdMillis']}")
body["createdMillis"] = kwargs.get("createdMillis")
del kwargs["createdMillis"]
if "endTimeMillis" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'endTimeMillis' = {kwargs['endTimeMillis']}")
body["endTimeMillis"] = kwargs.get("endTimeMillis")
del kwargs["endTimeMillis"]
if "errorMessage" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'errorMessage' = {kwargs['errorMessage']}")
body["errorMessage"] = kwargs.get("errorMessage")
del kwargs["errorMessage"]
if "id" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'id' = {kwargs['id']}")
body["id"] = kwargs.get("id")
del kwargs["id"]
if "inputs" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'inputs' = {kwargs['inputs']}")
body["inputs"] = kwargs.get("inputs")
del kwargs["inputs"]
if "logs" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'logs' = {kwargs['logs']}")
body["logs"] = kwargs.get("logs")
del kwargs["logs"]
if "name" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'name' = {kwargs['name']}")
body["name"] = kwargs.get("name")
del kwargs["name"]
if "orgId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'orgId' = {kwargs['orgId']}")
body["orgId"] = kwargs.get("orgId")
del kwargs["orgId"]
if "outputs" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'outputs' = {kwargs['outputs']}")
body["outputs"] = kwargs.get("outputs")
del kwargs["outputs"]
if "projectId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'projectId' = {kwargs['projectId']}")
body["projectId"] = kwargs.get("projectId")
del kwargs["projectId"]
if "provider" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'provider' = {kwargs['provider']}")
body["provider"] = kwargs.get("provider")
del kwargs["provider"]
if "runProjectId" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'runProjectId' = {kwargs['runProjectId']}")
body["runProjectId"] = kwargs.get("runProjectId")
del kwargs["runProjectId"]
if "runState" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'runState' = {kwargs['runState']}")
body["runState"] = kwargs.get("runState")
del kwargs["runState"]
if "runtime" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'runtime' = {kwargs['runtime']}")
body["runtime"] = kwargs.get("runtime")
del kwargs["runtime"]
if "scalable" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'scalable' = {kwargs['scalable']}")
body["scalable"] = kwargs.get("scalable")
del kwargs["scalable"]
if "source" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'source' = {kwargs['source']}")
body["source"] = kwargs.get("source")
del kwargs["source"]
if "startTimeMillis" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'startTimeMillis' = {kwargs['startTimeMillis']}")
body["startTimeMillis"] = kwargs.get("startTimeMillis")
del kwargs["startTimeMillis"]
if "system" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'system' = {kwargs['system']}")
body["system"] = kwargs.get("system")
del kwargs["system"]
if "timeoutSeconds" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'timeoutSeconds' = {kwargs['timeoutSeconds']}")
body["timeoutSeconds"] = kwargs.get("timeoutSeconds")
del kwargs["timeoutSeconds"]
if "triggeredBy" in kwargs:
hub.log.debug(f"Got kwarg 'triggeredBy' = {kwargs['triggeredBy']}")
body["triggeredBy"] = kwargs.get("triggeredBy")
del kwargs["triggeredBy"]
ret = api.run_using_post(body, id=p_id, **kwargs)
# hub.log.debug(ret)
return ExecReturn(result=True, ret=remap_response(ret))