
Made with pop, a Python implementation of Plugin Oriented Programming Made with idem, a Python implementation of Plugin Oriented Programming Documentation is published with Sphinx on Made with Python

idem-ai extends idem with translation capabilities from the pop-ml plugin, enabling multilingual support in infrastructure management workflows.


idem-ai extends idem, a powerful infrastructure and configuration management tool, by adding translation capabilities from the pop-ml plugin. With idem-ai, you can enable multilingual support in your infrastructure management workflows.

By integrating idem-ai into your idem environment, you gain access to additional contracts and features that enable translation in various aspects of idem. The added contracts from idem-ai provide translation capabilities for logs, state comments, and rend output. This means you can translate log messages, comments within your states, and the rendered output of commands to facilitate communication in multiple languages.

idem-ai also introduces an ml.translate exec module, which allows you to perform on-the-fly translations using pop-ml. This module can be used within Jinja in SLS or invoked directly on the command line, giving you flexibility in translating text in your idem environment.

With idem-ai, you can effortlessly manage multilingual environments, ensuring clear and consistent communication across language barriers in your infrastructure management workflows.

What is POP?#

This project is built with pop, a Python-based implementation of Plugin Oriented Programming (POP). POP seeks to bring together concepts and wisdom from the history of computing in new ways to solve modern computing problems.

For more information:

Getting Started#


  • Python 3.8+

  • git (if installing from source, or contributing to the project)



If wanting to contribute to the project, and setup your local development environment, see the CONTRIBUTING.rst document in the source repository for this project.

If wanting to use idem-ai, you can do so by either installing from PyPI or from source.

Install from PyPI#

pip install idem-ai

Install from source#

# clone repo
git clone
cd idem-ai

# Setup venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .


To use idem-ai, you need to create a YAML configuration file that defines the behavior of the translation.

Here’s an example YAML configuration file:

  translate_output: False
  translate_comments: False
  translate_docs: False
  translate_logs: False
  source_lang: en
  dest_lang: es

This configuration file contains various options that control the translation behavior:

  • translate_output: If set to True, the output of the execution will be translated. Default is False.

  • translate_comments: If set to True, the comments of states and exec moduleswill be translated. Default is False.

  • translate_logs: If set to True, the log messages will be translated. Default is False.

  • dest_lang: The destination language for translation. Default is “es”.

  • source_lang: The source language for translation. Default is “en”.

The dest_lang parameter is required for the translation to work. It should be a two-letter language code.

You can modify these options based on your requirements.


Here are some example commands that demonstrate the usage of idem-ai:

Translate a text using the ml.translate exec module:

idem exec ml.translate "Hello World!" dest_lang=es


Make sure to replace config.yaml with the path to your actual YAML configuration file.

Translate logs using the –translate-logs option:

idem -c my_config.cfg exec --translate-logs --log-level=debug

In this example, the –translate-logs option enables the translation of logs with pop-ml. This will translate the log messages into the specified destination language.

Translate state comments using the –translate-state-comments option:

idem -c my_config.cfg state my_state.sls --translate-state-comments

In this example, the –translate-state-comments option enables the translation of state comments. This will translate the comments from state output from the run into the specified destination language.

Translate rend output using the –translate-output option:

idem -c my_config.cfg exec --translate-output

In this example, the –translate-output option enables the translation of rend output for a doc subcommand. However, please note that enabling this option may cause unpredictable behavior for CLI programs. It is recommended to use it with caution.

Translate docstrings from idem doc using the –translate-docs option:

idem -c my_config.cfg doc --translate-docs

In this example, the –translate-docs option enables the translation of docs for the command. This will translate the documentation associated with the specified command into the specified destination language without translating keys, paths, refs, and other values unrelated to docs.


idem’s CLI options take precedence over the options specified in the configuration file. This means that if you specify an option both in the configuration file and as a command-line argument, the command-line argument will take precedence.


Reference the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
