Group plugins -
Group plugins are capable of organizing and manipulating the return data of an idem run before it is rendered.
Finding Group Plugins#
Use idem doc
to list all the available group plugins:
$ idem doc group | grep -o "^group.\w*"
You can also use jq
to list plugins next to their doc strings:
$ idem doc group --output=json | jq -r '. | keys[] as $k | "\($k): \(.[$k].doc)"'
At the time of writing, with no extra plugins installed, this is the result of that command:
group.duration.apply: Sort the output by the total seconds of the state's run time
group.init.apply: Apply all group plugins specified in config
group.number.apply: Sort the data by run number
group.omit_noop.apply: Remove states that reported success without changes
group.sort.apply: Reorganize the data by sorting by each state's unique tag
Using Group Plugins#
Group plugins are specified in a single string and are separated by a pipe. Each group plugin will be run in the order that it is defined.
Group plugins can be specified on the cli with the “–group” flag.
$ idem state my_state.sls --group="number|omit_noop"
Group plugins can also be specified in the idem config.
# idem.cfg
group: number|omit_noop
Creating a Group Plugin#
First create a directory at my_project_root/my_provider/group. In your project’s, extend idem’s namespace with your “group” directory.
# my_project_root/my_provider/
DYNE = {"group": ["group"]}
Now create a plugin in your “source” directory.
The plugin simply needs to implement the apply function. This function receives the hub, and data arguments. These will be passed into the function.
data contains the full results of a state run. Here are the contents of data for a run containing a single state:
"resource_ref_|-state_block_name_|-state_name_|-function": {
"tag": "resource_ref_|-state_block_name_|-state_name_|-function",
"name": "state_name",
"changes": {},
"new_state": {},
"old_state": {},
"comment": None,
"rerun_data": None,
"result": True,
"esm_tag": "resource_ref_|-state_block_name_|-state_name_|-",
"__run_num": 1,
"start_time": "2022-08-15 09:39:33.608291",
"total_seconds": 0.001207,
"sls_meta": {"SLS": {}, "ID_DECS": {}},
This is what a basic group plugin looks like:
# my_project_root/my_provider/group/
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
def apply(hub, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Re-organize/filter the state runtime results from "data"
# initialize an ordered dictionary for the return (All dictionaries are ordered after python 3.7)
ret = {}
# iterate over the state return data in the order you want to add it to the return
for tag in data:
# retrieve the result of a single state
state_ret = data[tag]
# Break the state tag into it's component parts
comps = tag.split("_|-")
state = comps[0]
id_ = comps[1]
fun = comps[3]
# "result" is True if the state ran successfully, otherwise it is False
result = state_ret.get("result")
# Any comment(s) from the running state
comment = state_ret.get("comment")
# An empty dictionary if there were no changes, else a comparison of "new" and "old" state of the resource
changes = state_ret.get("changes", {})
# The state of the resource before the function ran
old_state = state_ret.get("old_state", {})
# The state of the resource after the function ran
new_state = state_ret.get("new_state", {})
# omit this state ret from the return data based on any of the previous information
if not True:
# Copy the state ret from the input data to the return data
ret[tag] = data[tag]
return ret