Source code for idem_random.exec.random.password

"""Exec module for generating random strings usable as passwords"""
import random
import string
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict

[docs]def generate_random_string( hub, length: int, *, upper: bool = True, lower: bool = True, numeric: bool = True, special: bool = True, min_numeric: int = 0, min_lower: int = 0, min_upper: int = 0, min_special: int = 0, override_special: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Generate a random string. Args: length(int) : The length of the required random password. Defaults to True. upper(bool, Optional): Include upper-case in generated password. Defaults to True. lower(bool, Optional): Include lower-case in generated password. Defaults to True. numeric(bool, Optional): Include numbers in generated password. Defaults to True. special(bool, Optional): Include special characters (!@#$%&*()-_=+[]{}<>:?) in generated password. Defaults to True. min_lower(int, Optional): Minimum number of lowercase alphabet characters in the result. Default value is 0. min_numeric(int, Optional): Minimum number of numeric characters in the result. Default value is 0. min_special(int, Optional): Minimum number of special characters in the result. Default value is 0. min_upper(int, Optional): Minimum number of uppercase alphabet characters in the result. Default value is 0. override_special(str, Optional): Supply your own sequence of special characters to use for string generation. This overrides the default special character list. The special argument must still be set to true for any overwritten characters to be used in generation. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Command line example: .. code-block:: bash idem exec random.password.generate_random_string length=10 State example: .. code-block:: yaml service_password: - path: random.password.generate_random_string - kwargs: length: 10 """ ret = dict(comment=(), ret="", result=True) num_chars = string.digits lower_chars = string.ascii_lowercase upper_chars = string.ascii_uppercase special_chars = "!@#$%&*()-_=+[]{}<>:?" if override_special: special_chars = override_special chars = "" if upper: chars = chars + upper_chars if lower: chars = chars + lower_chars if numeric: chars = chars + num_chars if special: chars = chars + special_chars try: # prefer to use system random number generator rand = random.SystemRandom() except NotImplementedError: # if that isn't available, fall back to pseudo-random number seeded by time rand = random.Random() result = [] result.extend(rand.choices(num_chars, k=min_numeric)) result.extend(rand.choices(lower_chars, k=min_lower)) result.extend(rand.choices(upper_chars, k=min_upper)) result.extend(rand.choices(special_chars, k=min_special)) result.extend(rand.choices(chars, k=length - len(result))) rand.shuffle(result) resultant_string = "".join(result) ret["comment"] += ("Successfully generated password",) ret["ret"] = resultant_string return ret