Source code for idem_k8s.exec.k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding

"""Exec module for managing Kubernetes RoleBinding(s)."""
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict

__func_alias__ = {"list_": "list"}

[docs]async def get( hub, ctx, name: str, resource_id: str, namespace: str = "default", ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Retrieves a Kubernetes RbacV1 RoleBinding. Args: name(str): An Idem name of the resource. resource_id(str): The of the Kubernetes role_binding. namespace(str, Optional): The Kubernetes namespace in which role_bindingwas created. Defaults to 'default' namespace in case None. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Return a role_binding in a given namespace. Examples: Calling this exec module function from the cli: .. code-block:: bash idem exec k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding.get name='role_binding-name' resource_id='role_binding' namespace='default' Using in a state: .. code-block:: yaml my-kubernetes-role-binding: - path: k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding.get - kwargs: name: 'role_binding-name' resource_id: 'role_binding-name' namespace: 'default' """ result = dict(comment=[], ret=None, result=True) role_binding = ( await hub.exec.k8s.client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api.read_namespaced_role_binding( ctx, name=resource_id, namespace=namespace ) ) if not role_binding["result"]: # Do not return success=false when it is not found. if "ApiException" in str( role_binding["comment"] ) and "Reason: Not Found" in str(role_binding["comment"]): result["comment"].append( hub.tool.k8s.comment_utils.get_empty_comment( resource_type="k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding", name=resource_id, ) ) result["comment"] += list(role_binding["comment"]) return result result["comment"] += list(role_binding["comment"]) result["result"] = False return result if not role_binding["ret"]: result["comment"].append( hub.tool.k8s.comment_utils.get_empty_comment( resource_type="k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding", name=resource_id ) ) return result result[ "ret" ] = hub.tool.k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding_utils.convert_raw_role_binding_to_present( role_binding=role_binding["ret"] ) return result
[docs]async def list_( hub, ctx, name: str = None, namespace: str = None, ) -> Dict: """Retrieves list of Kubernetes RoleBindings. Args: name(str, Optional): The name of the Idem state. namespace(str, Optional): The Kubernetes namespace in which role_bindingwas created. Defaults to all namespace in case None. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Returns role bindings in present format Examples: Calling this exec module function from the cli .. code-block:: bash idem exec k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding.list name="idem_name" namespace="default" Using in a state: .. code-block:: yaml my_unmanaged_resource: - path: k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding.list - kwargs: name: my_resource namespace: default """ result = dict(comment=[], ret=[], result=True) if namespace is None: ret = await hub.exec.k8s.client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api.list_role_binding_for_all_namespaces( ctx ) else: ret = await hub.exec.k8s.client.RbacAuthorizationV1Api.list_namespaced_role_binding( ctx, namespace=namespace ) if not ret["result"]: result["comment"] += list(ret["comment"]) result["result"] = False return result if not ret["ret"]: result["comment"].append( hub.tool.k8s.comment_utils.list_empty_comment( resource_type="k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding", name=name ) ) return result for role_binding in ret["ret"].items: converted_resource = ( hub.tool.k8s.rbac.v1.role_binding_utils.convert_raw_role_binding_to_present( role_binding=role_binding ) ) result["ret"].append(converted_resource) return result