Exec module for managing Cloud Key Management Service crypto keys.
- async idem_gcp.exec.gcp.cloudkms.crypto_key.get(hub, ctx, resource_id: str)[source]#
Returns a crypto key by its Idem resource ID.
- Parameters:
resource_id (str) – Idem resource ID.
projects/{project id}/locations/{location id}/keyRings/{keyRing}/cryptoKeys/{cryptoKey}
- Returns:
CryptoKey resource
{% set project_id = 'project-name' %} {% set location_id = 'us-east1' %} {% set key_ring = 'key-ring' %} {% set crypto_key = 'crypto-key' %} get-crypto-key: - path: gcp.cloudkms.crypto_key.get - kwargs: resource_id: projects/{{project_id}}/locations/{{location_id}}/keyRings/{{key_ring}}/cryptoKeys/{{crypto_key}}
- async idem_gcp.exec.gcp.cloudkms.crypto_key.list_(hub, ctx, key_ring: str, filter_: (<class 'str'>, 'alias=filter') = None, order_by: str = None) Dict[str, Any] [source]#
Retrieves the crypto keys in a key ring.
- Parameters:
key_ring (str) – key ring resource_id.
filter (str, Optional) – Only include resources that match the filter in the response. For more information, see Sorting and filtering list results.
order_by (str, Optional) – Specify how the results should be sorted. If not specified, the results will be sorted in the default order. For more information, see Sorting and filtering list results.
list-locations: - path: gcp.cloudkms.location.list - kwargs: project: project-name #!require:list-locations list-key-rings: - path: gcp.cloudkms.key_ring.list - kwargs: location: {% for v in hub.idem.arg_bind.resolve('${exec:list-locations}') -%} {{ v['resource_id'] if v.get('display_name') == 'South Carolina' }} {%- endfor %} #!require:list-key-rings list-crypto-keys: - path: gcp.cloudkms.crypto_key.list - kwargs: key_ring: ${exec:list-key-rings:[0]:resource_id} #!END list-crypto-keys-filtered: - path: gcp.cloudkms.crypto_key.list - kwargs: key_ring: projects/project-name/locations/global/keyRings/kr-global-test filter: nextRotationTime < 2023-10-02