Source code for

"""State module for managing Route Tables."""
import copy
from dataclasses import field
from dataclasses import make_dataclass
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List

__contracts__ = ["resource"]

[docs]async def present( hub, ctx, name: str, resource_group_name: str, route_table_name: str, location: str, routes: List[ make_dataclass( "RouteSet", [ ("route_name", str), ("address_prefix", str), ("next_hop_type", str), ("next_hop_ip_address", str, field(default=None)), ], ) ] = None, disable_bgp_route_propagation: bool = None, tags: Dict = None, subscription_id: str = None, resource_id: str = None, ) -> dict: r"""Create or update Route Tables. Args: name(str): The identifier for this state. resource_group_name(str): The name of the resource group. route_table_name(str): The name of the route table. location(str): Resource location. This field can not be updated. routes(list, Optional): An array of routes on the route table. Collection of routes contained within a route table. Defaults to None. * route_name(str): The name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. * address_prefix(str): The destination CIDR to which the route applies. * next_hop_type(str): The type of Azure hop the packet should be sent to. * next_hop_ip_address(str, Optional): The IP address packets should be forwarded to. Next hop values are only allowed in routes where the next hop type is VirtualAppliance. disable_bgp_route_propagation(bool, Optional): Whether to disable the routes learned by BGP on that route table. True means disable. tags(dict[str, str], Optional): Resource tags. subscription_id: Subscription Unique id. resource_id: Route table resource id on Azure. Returns: dict Examples: .. code-block:: sls resource_is_present: - name: resource_name - resource_group_name: my-resource-group - route_table_name: my-route-table - location: southindia - tags: environment: scaleperf - disable_bgp_route_propagation: false - routes: - address_prefix: next_hop_ip_address: next_hop_type: VirtualAppliance route_name: my-route - address_prefix: next_hop_type: None route_name: my-route-2 """ result = { "name": name, "result": True, "old_state": None, "new_state": None, "comment": [], } if subscription_id is None: subscription_id = ctx.acct.subscription_id if resource_id is None: resource_id = f"/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/{route_table_name}" response_get = await ctx, resource_id=resource_id, raw=True ) if response_get["result"]: if response_get["ret"] is None: if ctx.get("test", False): result[ "new_state" ] = enforced_state={}, desired_state={ "name": name, "resource_group_name": resource_group_name, "route_table_name": route_table_name, "location": location, "routes": routes, "resource_id": resource_id, "disable_bgp_route_propagation": disable_bgp_route_propagation, "tags": tags, "subscription_id": subscription_id, }, ) result["comment"].append( f"Would create '{name}'" ) return result else: # PUT operation to create a resource payload = location=location, routes=routes, disable_bgp_route_propagation=disable_bgp_route_propagation, tags=tags, ) response_put = await hub.exec.request.json.put( ctx, url=f"{ctx.acct.endpoint_url}{resource_id}?api-version=2021-03-01", success_codes=[200, 201], json=payload, ) if not response_put["result"]: hub.log.debug( f"Could not create {response_put['comment']} {response_put['ret']}" ) result["comment"].extend( ) result["result"] = False return result result[ "new_state" ] = resource=response_put["ret"], idem_resource_name=name, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, route_table_name=route_table_name, resource_id=resource_id, subscription_id=subscription_id, ) result["comment"].append(f"Created '{name}'") return result else: existing_resource = response_get["ret"] result[ "old_state" ] = resource=existing_resource, idem_resource_name=name, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, route_table_name=route_table_name, resource_id=resource_id, subscription_id=subscription_id, ) # Generate a new PUT operation payload with new values new_payload = ( existing_resource, { "location": location, "routes": routes, "disable_bgp_route_propagation": disable_bgp_route_propagation, "tags": tags, }, ) ) if ctx.get("test", False): if new_payload["ret"] is None: result["new_state"] = copy.deepcopy(result["old_state"]) result["comment"].append( f" '{name}' has no property need to be updated." ) else: result[ "new_state" ] = resource=new_payload["ret"], idem_resource_name=name, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, route_table_name=route_table_name, resource_id=resource_id, subscription_id=subscription_id, ) result["comment"].append( f"Would update '{name}'" ) return result # PUT operation to update a resource if new_payload["ret"] is None: result["new_state"] = copy.deepcopy(result["old_state"]) result["comment"].append( f" '{name}' has no property need to be updated." ) return result result["comment"].extend(new_payload["comment"]) response_put = await hub.exec.request.json.put( ctx, url=f"{ctx.acct.endpoint_url}{resource_id}?api-version=2021-03-01", success_codes=[200], json=new_payload["ret"], ) if not response_put["result"]: hub.log.debug( f"Could not update {response_put['comment']} {response_put['ret']}" ) result["result"] = False result["comment"].extend( ) return result result[ "new_state" ] = resource=response_put["ret"], idem_resource_name=name, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, route_table_name=route_table_name, resource_id=resource_id, subscription_id=subscription_id, ) result["comment"].append(f"Updated '{name}'") return result else: hub.log.debug( f"Could not get {response_get['comment']} {response_get['ret']}" ) result["result"] = False result["comment"].extend( ) return result
[docs]async def absent( hub, ctx, name: str, resource_group_name: str, route_table_name: str, subscription_id: str = None, ) -> dict: r"""Delete Route Tables. Args: name(str): The identifier for this state. resource_group_name(str): The name of the resource group. route_table_name(str): The name of the route table. subscription_id(str, Optional): Subscription Unique id. Returns: dict Examples: .. code-block:: sls resource_is_absent: - name: my-resource - resource_group_name: my-resource-group-name - route_table_name: my-route-table """ result = dict(name=name, result=True, comment=[], old_state=None, new_state=None) if subscription_id is None: subscription_id = ctx.acct.subscription_id resource_id = f"/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/{route_table_name}" response_get = await ctx, resource_id=resource_id, raw=True ) if response_get["result"]: if response_get["ret"]: result[ "old_state" ] = resource=response_get["ret"], idem_resource_name=name, resource_group_name=resource_group_name, route_table_name=route_table_name, resource_id=resource_id, subscription_id=subscription_id, ) if ctx.get("test", False): result["comment"].append( f"Would delete '{name}'" ) return result response_delete = await hub.exec.request.raw.delete( ctx, url=f"{ctx.acct.endpoint_url}{resource_id}?api-version=2021-03-01", success_codes=[200, 202, 204], ) if not response_delete["result"]: hub.log.debug( f"Could not delete {response_delete['comment']} {response_delete['ret']}" ) result["result"] = False result["comment"].extend( ) return result result["comment"].append(f"Deleted '{name}'") return result else: # If Azure returns 'Not Found' error, it means the resource has been absent. result["comment"].append( f" '{name}' already absent" ) return result else: hub.log.debug( f"Could not get {response_get['comment']} {response_get['ret']}" ) result["result"] = False result["comment"].extend( ) return result
[docs]async def describe(hub, ctx) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: r"""Describe the resource in a way that can be recreated/managed with the corresponding "present" function. Lists all Route Tables under the same subscription. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: bash $ idem describe """ result = {} ret_list = await if not ret_list["ret"]: hub.log.debug(f"Could not describe network route_tables {ret_list['comment']}") return result for resource in ret_list["ret"]: resource_id = resource["resource_id"] result[resource_id] = { "": [ {parameter_key: parameter_value} for parameter_key, parameter_value in resource.items() ] } return result