Source code for

"""State module for managing Authorization Role Assignment."""
import copy
import uuid
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict

__contracts__ = ["resource"]

[docs]async def present( hub, ctx, name: str, scope: str, role_definition_id: str, principal_id: str, resource_id: str = None, role_assignment_name: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Create or update Role Assignments. Args: name(str): The identifier for this state. scope(str): The scope of the role assignment to create. The scope can be any REST resource instance. For example, use '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/' for a subscription, '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}' for a resource group, and '/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/providers/{resource-provider}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}' for a resource. role_definition_id(str): The role definition ID used in the role assignment. principal_id(str): The principal ID assigned to the role. This maps to the ID inside the Active Directory. It can point to a user, service principal, or security group. resource_id(str, Optional): Role Assignment resource id on Azure. role_assignment_name(str, Optional): A GUID for the role assignment to create. The name must be unique and different for each role assignment. This will be automatically generated if not specified. Returns: Dict Examples: .. code-block:: sls resource_is_present: azure.authorization.role_assignments.present: - name: value - scope: value - role_assignment_name: value """ result = { "name": name, "result": True, "old_state": None, "new_state": None, "comment": [], } response_get = None if role_assignment_name: if resource_id is None: resource_id = f"{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/{role_assignment_name}" response_get = await ctx, resource_id=resource_id, raw=True ) if response_get["result"]: if not response_get["ret"]: if role_assignment_name is None: role_assignment_name = uuid.uuid4() if ctx.get("test", False): # Return a proposed state by Idem state --test result[ "new_state" ] = enforced_state={}, desired_state={ "name": name, "scope": scope, "role_assignment_name": role_assignment_name, "resource_id": resource_id, "role_definition_id": role_definition_id, "principal_id": principal_id, }, ) result["comment"].append( f"Would create azure.authorization.role_assignments '{name}'" ) return result else: # PUT operation to create a resource payload = role_definition_id=role_definition_id, principal_id=principal_id, ) response_put = await hub.exec.request.json.put( ctx, url=f"{ctx.acct.endpoint_url}{resource_id}?api-version=2015-07-01", success_codes=[201], json=payload, ) if not response_put["result"]: hub.log.debug( f"Could not create azure.authorization.role_assignments {response_put['comment']} {response_put['ret']}" ) result["comment"].extend( ) result["result"] = False return result result[ "new_state" ] = resource=response_put["ret"], idem_resource_name=name, role_assignment_name=role_assignment_name, resource_id=resource_id, ) result["comment"].append( f"Created azure.authorization.role_assignments '{name}'" ) return result else: existing_resource = response_get["ret"] result[ "old_state" ] = resource=existing_resource, idem_resource_name=name, role_assignment_name=role_assignment_name, resource_id=resource_id, ) # No role assignment property can be updated without resource re-creation. result["comment"].append( f"azure.authorization.role_assignments '{name}' has no property to be updated." ) result["new_state"] = copy.deepcopy(result["old_state"]) return result else: hub.log.debug( f"Could not get azure.authorization.role_assignments {response_get['comment']} {response_get['ret']}" ) result["result"] = False result["comment"].extend( ) return result
[docs]async def absent( hub, ctx, name: str, scope: str, role_assignment_name: str, resource_id: str = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Delete Role Assignments. Args: name(str): The identifier for this state. scope(str, Optional): The scope of the role assignment to delete. role_assignment_name(str, Optional): The name of the role assignment to delete. resource_id(str, Optional): Role assignment resource id on Azure. Either resource_id or a combination of scope and role_assignment_name need to be specified. Idem will automatically consider a resource as absent if both options are not specified. Returns: Dict Examples: .. code-block:: sls resource_is_absent: azure.authorization.role_assignments.absent: - name: value - scope: value - role_assignment_name: value """ result = dict(name=name, result=True, comment=[], old_state=None, new_state=None) if scope is not None and role_assignment_name is not None: constructed_resource_id = f"{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/{role_assignment_name}" if resource_id is not None and resource_id != constructed_resource_id: result["result"] = False result["comment"].append( f"azure.authorization.role_assignments '{name}' resource_id {resource_id} does not match the constructed resource id" ) return result resource_id = constructed_resource_id response_get = await ctx, resource_id=resource_id, ) if response_get["result"]: if response_get["ret"]: result["old_state"] = response_get["ret"] result["old_state"]["name"] = name if ctx.get("test", False): result["comment"].append( f"Would delete azure.authorization.role_assignments '{name}'" ) return result response_delete = await hub.exec.request.raw.delete( ctx, url=f"{ctx.acct.endpoint_url}/{resource_id}?api-version=2015-07-01", success_codes=[200, 204], ) if not response_delete["result"]: hub.log.debug( f"Could not delete azure.authorization.role_assignments '{name}' {response_delete['comment']} {response_delete['ret']}" ) result["result"] = False result["comment"].extend( ) return result result["comment"].append( f"Deleted azure.authorization.role_assignments '{name}'" ) return result else: # If Azure returns 'Not Found' error, it means the resource has been absent. result["comment"].append( f"azure.authorization.role_assignments '{name}' already absent" ) else: hub.log.debug( f"Could not get azure.authorization.role_assignments '{name}' {response_get['comment']} {response_get['ret']}" ) result["result"] = False result["comment"].extend( ) return result
[docs]async def describe(hub, ctx) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: r"""Describe the resource in a way that can be recreated/managed with the corresponding "present" function. Lists all Role Assignments under the same subscription. Returns: Dict[str, Any] Examples: .. code-block:: bash $ idem describe azure.authorization.role_assignments """ result = {} ret_list = await if not ret_list["ret"]: hub.log.debug(f"Could not describe role assignment {ret_list['comment']}") return result for resource in ret_list["ret"]: resource_id = resource["resource_id"] result[resource_id] = { "azure.authorization.role_assignments.present": [ {parameter_key: parameter_value} for parameter_key, parameter_value in resource.items() ] } return result